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Lekima Store Delivery Mobile App Template 2.9.0

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short description

The product is not supported and should be replaced with a new app. The app features 3 demo homepage layouts, page builder, and supports Woocommerce, WordPress, React Native, Reactjs, Android, iOS, and JS. It offers unlimited colors, customizable layouts, and features like scrolling images and a dark theme.

Lekima Store Delivery Mobile App Template Note: The product is not supportable; likewise, if you enjoy this product, please refer to our new app: https://codecanyon.net/item/cirilla-multipurpose-flutter-wordpress-app/31940668 App has three demos. Homepage Layouts
PageBuilder Drag and Drop for Apps

Lekima Store Delivery Mobile App Template Woocommerce, WordPress
React Native and Reactjs are available for Android, iOS, and JavaScript.
Powerful configuration
Customize unlimited colors and layouts.
Off-Canvas Menu
Checkout and Payment
Login and Social login.
Product grid and carousel, product list.
Banner Promotions
Smooth slideshows
Categories: Customer Reviews
Features include RTL support, product details, and smooth picture motion.
Add to wishlist.
Zoom Image Sharing and Information Products
Blog: Lastest Details Coupon Code
Billing Address and Shipping Method
Payment Methods, Order History, and Refunds
Dark Theme
Splash Screen
Make many templates.
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Mobile App Template

Mobile App Template

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