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ConversAI ChatGPT AI Native Android Chat App Mobile App Template 1.4.0

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short description

ChatGPT AI Chat is a Kotlin Jetpeck Compose app that allows users to chat with AI in any language. It uses the openAI API and requires an API key. The app uses R8 obfuscation for security, but requires a proxy server for full protection. Features include 100% Kotlin, native Android, Jetpack Compose, markdown support, chat history support, full code access, guide documentation, and rewarded ads.

ConversAI ChatGPT AI Native Android Chat App Mobile App TemplateĀ  This app was developed using Kotlin Jetpeck Compose. The ChatGPT AI Chat App allows you to converse with AI about any subject in any language.

We do not provide an API key for this application template, which utilizes a third-party service API (openAI API); however, an API key can be generated on the official website of openAI at https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys.
Demo APK is unable to respond to your messages due to the absence of an API key; for testing purposes, use the Google Play link. ChatGPT Responses – Application Employing R8 Obfuscation; This renders the code difficult to decipher but not entirely hackable; For maximum protection, utilize your own proxy server; the application code will no longer contain the API Key; for proxy server configuration instructions, consult the email.
Aspects including:
ConversAI ChatGPT AI Native Android Chat App Mobile App TemplateĀ  100 percent native Kotlin Android Jetpack Build up
Markdown Assistance Chat History Assistance
Complete Code Access Guide In-App Purchase of Documentation to Unlock the PRO Version
Ads that were rewarded by Admob Ads Integration Watch received more messages. In terms of functionality
Gain Funds

Mobile App Template

Mobile App Template

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