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ERPGo SaaS Nulled Script 6.7

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ERPGo SaaS is an all-in-one business ERP solution that simplifies the management of accounts, HRM, CRM, and projects. It offers a complete dashboard with all necessary information on one tab, convenient administration of personnel information, and efficient execution of projects. ERPGo SaaS also includes a customer/vendor statement report and contract module with digital signature, stock/Inventory management, and integration with cloud data storage.

The project report module allows for duplicated project modules, Google Calendar for meetings, holidays, events, and project tasks, and the Builder POS Module for managing leads, deals, and reports. The POS module also offers discounts for POS products and a barcode print module for the POS system.

ERPGo SaaS is available in several languages and can be customized for clients who speak Arabic, Hebrew, or Urdu-like languages. It supports multiple payment channels and can be used for various payment methods.

Key features of ERPGo SaaS include creating plans and receiving payments, creating a stunning dashboard, and managing personal and corporate data for employees and clients. The application is built with Laravel 10 and offers a user-friendly RTL experience for clients who speak Arabic, Hebrew, or Urdu-like languages.

ERPGo SaaS is a multi-user accounting application that allows users to assign duties to each staff member, manage employee responsibilities, and track their performance. It offers a comprehensive HR area, allowing for easy handling of attendance, transfers, promotions, and other HR elements. The Payroll module assists in setting salaries and creating bulk payments. Performance modules such as indicators, appraisals, and goal tracking are also available. The Goal Tracking module allows for setting objectives and updating progress. The Chat Module allows for direct communication with users and customers. The Contract Module is useful for documenting contracts with customers.

The application also offers pre-sale lead management, deal management, estimations, and a form builder. Project management projects can be managed and filtered in Kanban and List views, with tasks, milestones, and deadlines. The project timesheet is set up by assigning projects, tasks, and users, enabling effective project management. Inventory management for invoices and bills is also available, with the amount updated under “Products & Services” for review. The “Customer/Vendor Statement Report” module provides filtered details of customers or vendors for a specific time period, including start and finish dates, order data, payment details, and transaction history.

ERPGo is a comprehensive software solution designed to streamline business operations and reduce costs. It offers various features such as thermal print, desktop application for tracking project hours, email templates, and an iframe embed link for external forms. The platform also integrates with local, AWS, and Wasabi cloud data storage services for enhanced security and cost-effectiveness.

Slack integration allows users to receive quick updates on company activity and plan messages for future dates. Zoom integration allows users to establish virtual meetings and sync them with the calendar, making meeting planning more efficient. Telegram integration provides notifications about project activities, while Twilio integration allows users to receive text messages from completed tasks even when their phone is not connected to the internet.

The Double Entry Module for Accounting in ERPGo is the foundation of strong financial management, with six critical columns: Chart of Accounts, Journal Account, Ledger Summary, Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss, and Trial Balance. Sales management includes invoice sending, payment processing, expense management, and credit notes. Budget planners help track working capital and keep funds flowing.

Events and Notice Boards help prepare for events and send notifications to users, clients, or employees. Goals and notes allow users to create goals and customize their dashboards. Reports are essential for successful management, providing graphs for tasks, time logs, financial details, income, and expenses.

A GDPR cookie is added for user convenience, allowing users to keep their personal information in the browser for future online service logins with their consent. Business settings can be configured and adjusted, and webhook allows easy connection and expansion of modules. AI integration is a sophisticated software tool that uses artificial intelligence to perform tasks, increasing efficiency.

ERPGo SaaS Nulled Script

ERPGo SaaS – All In One Business ERP With Project, Account, HRM, CRM & POS

ERPGo SaaS is the most competent utility solution for easily managing all aspects of accounts, HRM, CRM, and projects. It’s challenging to maintain many tools for different company needs. The ERPGo SaaS version allows you to manage all aspects of your organisation with a single application.

Demo URL: Demo link.

Login as Super Admin: [email protected]/1234.
Login as a company: [email protected]/1234.
Login as a client: [email protected]/1234.
Login as: [email protected] or 1234.

What to Expect from ERPGo SaaS: All-in-One Business ERP with Project, Account, POS, HRM, and CRM
A complete dashboard with all the necessary information on one tab.
convenient administration of personnel information, whether for workers or customers, with convenient filter options.
Management of different areas of human resources. ERPGo SaaS makes personnel management straightforward, from attendance to resignation, training to performance.
Managing pre-sales successfully with leads, deals, and estimate management
Kanban and list views are provided for user convenience.
Manage the minute details of the project for efficient execution.
Manage invoices, payments, expenses, and credit notes with a few simple clicks. To avoid missing due dates, use inventory management in invoices and bills. QR codes may be used to verify proposals, invoices, and bill contents.
Customer/Vendor Statement Report and Contract Module with Digital Signature.
I added a GDPR cookie to make the next visit simpler and more helpful.
Stock/Inventory Management
New Stock Reports, Image Previews, and Email Templates
ReCaptcha on Login and Reset Password Page
Integration of Cloud Data Storage: Local, AWS, and Wasabi.
Project Report Module
Duplicate the project module.
Google Calendar for meetings, holidays, events, project tasks, interview schedules, and Zoom meetings.
Build on the offer letter, joining letter, experience certificate, and NOC form. Builder POS Module
Manage leads, deals, and reports to improve customer relationship management.
It easily manages warehouses, purchases, POS orders, and point-of-sale transactions.
Discount for POS Products
Barcode Print Module for the POS System
Thermal print in the POS module.
I added an iframe embed link to the form builder.
Customised settings choices for RTL on/off. Themes: primary colour, sidebar, layout. Colour Settings, Transparent Layout, and Dark Layout in the Theme Customizer
Email Verification Security in User Registration
Integrations with Slack and Zoom.
Telegram Integration
Twilio Integration
Desktop Application for Tracking Project Activities and Hours
Keep an eye on expired contracts.
Chat with users without switching tools.
Manage your objectives using ERPGo SaaS’s Budget Planning feature.
Receive a full report on each area of the project, including sales, human resources, and pre-sales.
Customise your company, system, and print settings with ERPGo SaaS.
Available in several languages.
A user-friendly RTL experience for clients who speak Arabic, Hebrew, or Urdu-like languages.
Stripe, PayPal, Paystack, Flutterwave, Razorpay, Paytm, Mollie, Skrill, Mercado Pago, CoinGate, Paymentwall, toyyibPay, PayFast, SSPay, IyziPay, PayTabs, Benefits, Cashfree, aamarPay, Yookassa, Midtrans, and Xendit may be used to pay for any of the plans.
Built with Laravel 10

Key Features of ERPGo SaaS: All-in-One Business ERP with Project, Account, HRM, and CRM.
Create Plans and Receive Payment—a particular SaaS feature.
Create plans that are best suited to your company model using a Super Admin Login. Choose the right cost and duration for the established plan. Make payments with multiple payment channels. If the plan is not renewed before the expiration date, it will be deactivated.
The stunning dashboard
ERPGo SaaS features the most complete dashboard, with all of the important information under one heading. We can all agree that dashboards have simplified our lives. You may acquire quantitative data in the easiest format, including total clients, users, invoices, projects, and estimates, as well as leads, deals, and other things. You get an overview of estimates, invoices, overdue payments, projects, and tasks, allowing you to take prompt action. As you scroll down, you’ll see reminders for meeting schedules, expiring contracts, weekly events, and new clients. Finally, a pie chart might help you grasp the different project stages. In brief, this handy application can manage all of your business’s activities.
Easily manage personal and corporate data for your employees and clients. You may change and manage the information and status whenever it is convenient for you. You may search for employees using simple filter options based on department and classification.
Assign duties to each staff member.
Our multi-user accounting application enables you to set responsibilities for each of your employees. By controlling their permissions, they obtain control over their access to certain parameters.
Employee Management
A complete HR area allows you to handle attendance, bulk attendance, holidays, leaves, meetings, assets, documents, and company policies. Create, edit, and filter at your leisure. You get a thorough grasp of all aspects of the employee. You may also handle awards, transfers, promotions, complaints, and other HR elements of personnel using simple tabs. ERPGo SaaS allows you to plan, manage, and monitor each employee’s training and performance.
The set salary tool in the Payroll module will assist you in setting your workers’ salaries, especially under the different headings that you choose. Additionally, the payslip tool allows you to create bulk payments.
Added performance modules such as indicators, appraisals, and goal tracking.
The entire performance of each designation of each department of the branches is reported, which comprises three competencies: technical, organisational, and behavioral. Setup allows you to change or update the default settings.
This module allows you to establish any kind of objective, whether it is temporary, short-term, long-term, and so on. You may manually amend the entry to update the progress. Setup allows you to change or update the default settings.
Added Chat Module
Direct communication is a crucial part of every company. ERPGo SaaS’s simple and easy-to-use Chat Module allows you to communicate directly and constantly with users and customers.
Added Contract Module
The Contract Module is particularly useful for properly documenting contracts with customers, including the kind of contract, amount, and time length. Setup allows you to change or update the default settings.
Manage Pre-Sale Lead Management
You may see all created leads in a Kanban or list view. Create pipelines and attach stages to different leads. You may organise the leads by adding users, items, files, notes, sources, call details, emails, and discussions. Get all of the necessary information on each specific lead in an easily navigable style.
Deals, like leads, may be viewed in either Kanban or list view. Get an overview of bargains for the week, month, and past 30 days. Assign tasks, products, files, and users to each deal. Manage the conversations and notes. Get a calendar view for each offer detail. In summary, handling transactions has never been simpler.
Keep track of issued estimations. Manage the estimations by allocating clients, status, and expiration dates to each. You may quickly create new estimates by assigning clients, categories, issues, and expiration dates. You may add goods in the desired quantities and apply discounts and taxes as needed. Create estimates in minutes with ERPGo SaaS.
Added Form Builder.
Create and manage numerous necessary forms with varied form fields such as text, email, number, date, and description based on the business demands of the users in general.
Project management projects
You can now manage and filter each project in the Kanban and List views. To manage projects, obtain an overview of their status, expenses, budget, and due date. Add or remove users, and verify their accomplished tasks. Make a task list and give importance to each job. Get an overview of chores with the Kanban board. Include milestones, notes, files, comments, payments, timesheets, client feedback, expenses, invoices, and anything else relevant to the project. Consider a project and all that would be required to ensure its success. ERPGo SaaS enables easy task management.
Successful project execution necessitates minor actions that may help reach the overall goal. You can handle several jobs using a simple filter option. View each task’s priority and deadline dates. You may also use a checklist to monitor your progress. Again, add comments and files as needed.
Set up a timesheet by assigning projects, tasks, and users. Set a start and end date, as well as a time. This enables you to handle your project more effectively.
Inventory management for invoices and bills
Isn’t it simple to check the inventory status of any item you need for your business operations? Sounds fascinating!
The inventory management function allows you to track the inventory of each item you’ve registered with us. After producing the invoice, the amount is instantly updated under “Products & Services” for review. Overall, maintaining the product inventory level is easy.
Customer/Vendor Statement Report

This “Customer/Vendor Statement Report” module allows you to see the filtered details of the customer or vendor for a certain time period. This statement report contains the start and finish dates, order data, payment details, and transaction history with the customer or vendor.
Thermal Print in the Sales Module
The primary purpose of a firm is to reduce both fixed and operating expenses. The thermal print option here is incredibly useful. Thermal printing is quicker than conventional printing methods, providing quick and accurate services such as speedier labelling, package printing, and receipt printing. It also provides rapid printing. sharpn
Desktop application for tracking project hours.
By setting a timer, you can keep track of how much time you spend working on every specific project and job. In addition, you can change the settings to generate automatic screenshots of the tracker functioning within a certain time frame. You may choose a minimum of one minute between screenshots. You may also inspect the screenshots and eliminate those that are superfluous or improper.
Email Templates
The email templates function allows the user to choose from pre-defined and personalised email layouts rather than producing a fresh email every time. This also improves preparedness, draft consistency, accessibility, and the work necessary to compose the same email several times. These templates may be created to meet a variety of purposes.
I added an iframe embed link to the form builder.
An inline frame (iframe) in a form builder acts as an external form of the product, which may be connected to any other website without redirecting the internal form and receiving replies to the primary product. This mostly serves as a third party to generate additional leads from different websites.
Integration of Cloud Data Storage: Local, AWS, and Wasabi.
Integration of Cloud Data Storage: Local, AWS, and Wasabi. Your safety is really essential. This function of cloud data storage assists the user in this regard.
It enables both internal and external data storage for backup and archiving, disaster recovery, cloud data processing, and storage tiering depending on a variety of cost, availability, performance, recovery, and migration criteria. AWS and Wasabi are third-party-verified cloud data storage services that protect data from hackers and are cost-effective.
Slack Integration
Receiving quick updates on the company’s activity is one of the easiest ways to keep an eye on them. Slack integration allows you to get insight into the important activities taking place via certain channels and when they occur. It also allows you to plan messages for future dates. Correcting errors is also not difficult.
Zoom Integration
Virtual meetings are not new to us. The Zoom Integration platform allows you to establish a Zoom meeting by entering requested parameters such as client, user(s), meeting time, and duration, and it produces a link via which individuals may attend the meeting. You can easily create, view, start, and delete meetings.
In addition, the established Zoom meeting will be synchronised with the calendar, which will display the meeting information as well as who is entering the meeting and when. This calendar synchronisation tool allows you to plan meetings more efficiently.
Telegram integration provides a hassle-free method to remain informed about project activity. With the Telegram integration, you may get notifications of activities taken about anything that interests you. This tool makes it easy to stay on top of the tasks at hand.
Twilio Integration
The Twilio integration for getting text messages from completed tasks is a highly useful and practical tool. One of the most significant advantages of Twilio Integration is the ability to get quick text messages of activity on the registered mobile number even when your phone is not connected to the internet.
Managing Items
Add goods, then give them categories, purchases, sales prices, taxes, units, and product types. Finally, everything you should keep track of.
Double Entry Module for Accounting
The Double Entry module in ERPGo is the foundation of strong financial management, with six critical columns. The “Chart of Accounts” column lays the groundwork, providing a detailed view of account information such as codes, names, kinds, journal and transaction balances, and status. The “Journal Account” column keeps track of precise transaction data, and the “Ledger Summary” column shows historical account balances. The “Balance Sheet” column helps you create this important financial statement. In addition, the “Profit and Loss” segment creates revenue statements, and the “Trial Balance” assures the overall correctness of the accounting system by reconciling debit and credit balances. This module enables companies to keep exact financial records, manage transactions, and generate critical financial reports, therefore promoting transparency, compliance, and informed decision-making.
Sales Management
In a single tool, you can manage multiple parts of sales, such as invoice sending, payment processing, expense management, and credit notes. You may generate new invoices and amend current ones. Add new items and receipts to current invoices, and modify payments and items. Resend the invoices, issue payment reminders, and print the invoices with a single click. Similarly, you can easily handle payments, expenses, and credit notes. Overall, keep your sales anxieties at bay.
Budget Planner
A budget is a financial plan for a certain time period that helps you keep track of your working capital. This feature helps keep the funds flowing. Budgets may be made on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis, depending on your company’s objectives and requirements. The major categories are “income” and “expense,” and the sub-categories may be edited, updated, or deleted.
Keep an eye on contracts.
In business, it might be difficult to maintain things in order. However, never miss a contract date from now on. Manage your contracts easily by designating start and due dates, as well as contract type, value, client, and description as needed.
Events and Notice Boards
Always prepare for a forthcoming occasion. Assign employees and departments to each event reminder. To stay on top of things, create events and add descriptions. Create and send a notification to users, clients, or employees.
Goals and notes Create goals and select whether to show them on the dashboard. You may also include files in your notes for assistance. Simple, isn’t it?
Reports are essential for successful management. You may get a complete report in the form of graphs for tasks, time logs, financial details, and income and expenses. You may filter and search for reports over a certain time period. Get a thorough report on leaves, estimates, invoices, and other related factors.
I added a GDPR cookie to make the next visit simpler and more helpful.
The GDPR cookie is an authenticated cookie that allows users to keep their personal information in the browser for future online service logins with their consent. The first log-in procedure will be bypassed, and the user will be directed straight to the landing page, saving time.
Manage business settings. Configure your system and print settings for invoices and estimates. Also, adjust the pusher settings.
Easily connect and expand modules, improving data sharing and increasing platform capabilities.
AI Integration
AI Integration is a sophisticated software tool that uses artificial intelligence to do jobs, increasing efficiency.

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