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Worksuite Saas Nulled Script 5.4.1

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short description

Worksuite is a comprehensive business solution designed to automate tasks and save time, allowing more time for core business decisions. It includes various features such as HR, CRM, and project management, which can be managed through various logins. Worksuite is built using Laravel 10+ and offers features such as Kanban taskboards, project gantt charts, invoice conversion, and ticket resolution. It also integrates with Slack, Pusher, and One Signal for real-time notifications, and can be customized to reflect the brand. Worksuite can receive payments via various gateways, create custom roles, and provide various reports for tasks, timelogs, finance, attendance, and leaves. Additional installation costs are $20.

Worksuite wants to be your one-stop business solution for handling and automating business chores, saving you time so you can focus on important business choices.

HR, CRM, and Project Management WORKSUITE – 1

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Worksuite – Where the Team Collaborates | Product Hunt capterra
Laravel 10+ was used to create this website.
Download the file to verify the app’s server requirements.

Worksuite Saas Nulled Script Installation costs an additional $20 (USD).
Click Here to See a Demo

Email: [email protected] for Admin Login
123456 as your password
Email: [email protected] for employee login information.
123456 as your password
Email: [email protected] to log in.
123456 as your password
Customer and lead management
Maintain a record of customer projects, invoices, and proposals/estimates.
Add workers to the firm, check attendance, and manage leaves.
Use e-signatures to create contracts with customers.
Create projects, invite team members, and keep track of progress, spending, earnings, timelogs, tasks, and milestones.
To visualize work and tasks, use a Kanban taskboard.
To plan the project timeline, use a project gantt chart.
Convert invoices into redeemable credit notes
Create goods that can be used in invoices and bought by customers.
Employees and customers may submit tickets, which are then allocated to ticket agents for resolution.
In the communications area, there is an internal chat function.
For real-time alerts, integrate with Slack, Pusher, and One Signal.
Theme customization to reflect your brand
Accept payments with the PayPal, Stripe, payfast, flutterwave, mollie, and Razorpay payment gateways.
Employees may be assigned to bespoke roles with custom permissions.
Various task, timelog, money, attendance, and leave reports
There are several more configuration possibilities.



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