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YITH WooCommerce Name Your Price nulled plugin 1.27.0

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The simplest method to solicit contributions while allowing your customers to choose the pricing of your items or services.
What you can get from it:
You will be able to quickly handle contributions received from your website’s visitors.

You will be able to establish a minimum and maximum price for your items and recommend the best price to your users; you will be able to study market pricing and build your relationship with your users by allowing them to determine the value of the contents and products you give them.

YITH WooCommerce Name Your Price nulled plugin Find out how much your customers are willing to pay for their favorite product right now.
It all comes down to market rules and psychology: delighted consumers must “pay back” the service or product that made them happy in some way.
They may do it via a contribution or by paying a little extra for the next goods they buy.

YITH WooCommerce Name Your Price nulled plugin Assume you sell a sixteen-dollar ebook, but you also invite your customers to contribute additional money to your company since your goods have benefited their lives in the past.
According to statistics, at least 10 consumers out of 100 will pay more than the desired amount, bringing the total price of the goods to $20: not bad, is it?

Sites like Priceline have built a business on this concept, using the power of the selling system depending on how much people are ready to pay to meet their wants.
With YITH WooCommerce Name Your Price, you can provide your consumers the option of selecting a price in order to better grasp the genuine market price or just to take a new approach to sales. The plugin also allows you to recommend an ideal pricing to consumers as well as define a minimum and maximum price for your items.

Provide an open pricing option for all of your items.
Not only single items, but variants and grouped products as well.

Make a pricing suggestion.
It will display on the product detail page.

Establish a minimum and maximum pricing.
Prevent purchases for free!

Price minimums and maximums
Modify the category rules
One shot to prevent manually altering every single product.

Category guidelines Make each label and message unique.
You have ultimate control over your website.

Take advantage of the interoperability with YITH nulled plugin
Multi Vendor, for example, provides innovative options for a better experience.

YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor Compatibility
Make use of the WPML compatibility.
You may quickly translate the plugin using the excellent WPML tool.

Wpml Compatible Functions
Set an open pricing for one or more goods that are basic, changeable, and organized.
On the product page, display a recommended price.
Set a product’s minimum and maximum price.
Set open pricing guidelines for each product category.
Customize the plugin’s labels.
YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor Integration: Vendors may establish an open pricing on any product.
WooCommerce Multilingual support: the quantities your users submit are always converted and up to date for any currency set up in your shop. New YITH WooCommerce Product Bundles integration. New
Allow people to get your “Name Your Own Price” goods for free.

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