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Midone Laravel Site Templates 5.0.3

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short description

Site Template Live Preview of Midone’s HTML Admin Dashboard Template from Admin Templates Site Templates
HTML Admin Dashboard Template by Midone, Number One Three Midone-HTMLAdminDashboardTemplates (two, three, four, and five, respectively) and six Midone-HTMLAdminDashboardTemplates (four, four, and five, respectively) Seventh Midone HTML Admin Dashboard Template Eight of the Midone HTML Admin Dashboard Template HTML Admin Dashboard Template by Midone, number nine HTML Admin Dashboard Template in Midone (10) and HTML Admin Dashboard Template in Midone (11).
Site TemplateThe HTML Admin Dashboard Design
Midone is a feature-rich and responsive administrative template constructed with the utility-first CSS framework Tailwind CSS. It is ideal for developers seeking a pre-built, highly customizable, and developer-friendly administrative dashboard. Without modifying the HTML code, the template’s extensive collection of pre-designed UI components and utility classes can be modified with relative ease.

Site Template Midone is an excellent option whether you are developing backend applications, information systems, CRM, or initiating a new straightforward project. Its contemporary, distinctive, and adaptable design makes it an ideal tool for gaining experience with Tailwind CSS. Observe the live preview to become acquainted with every theme and feature of the template.

Site Template Features
TailwindCSS 3 and above
500+ Components and 50+ Pages of ESBuild PostCss
Menu arrangements of 3
Three wizard form templates
Three blog designs
Two pricing structures
Two invoice formats
Three FAQ arrangements
The login interface
Login webpage
Mistake page
Revise the profile page
Page for password change
Three user configurations
Three profiles with configurations
Post proposals for journalism
The use of inbox applications
Chat applications File manager applications
CRUD applications for POS systems
Tabulator and standard table
The elements of an accordion
Antenna elements
Modal Constituents
Elements for alerts
Aspects of the progressbar
Components of tabs
Components of dropdown arrangements
Site Template Alert/toast elements
Typographic elements
Lucide emblems
Standard configuration
Date-selecting elements
Select components with Tom
Elements of Dropzone
Parts of the Sumernote editor
Components of validation form
Slider widget with chart widget
Image zoom widget auxiliary classes and addon utilities
Lifetime free updates
And considerably more.
Critical Notes
Images from the preview are omitted from the downloaded file.
The XD design files are included as an additional file and are not eligible for support requests.
Formats of Files Including CSS
Design Files for HTML JS XD (Rubick Version)
Site Template Credits for Documentation in HTML
Lucide Icons: https://lucide.dev; TailwindCSS: https://tailwindcss.com; ESBuild: https://esbuild.github.io; Fonts: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Roboto

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