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Dore jQuery Site Templates 2.4.1

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short description

Dore’s focus on detail and quality is evident in her design language for components, layouts, apps, and other themes. The package includes features like right click menu, sound and video player, keyboard shortcuts, two panel menus, icons, 10 color schemes, 4 applications, and a variety of components like Bootstrap, Chartjs, jQuery, and more. The package includes PSD files for various pages.

Dore jQuery Site TemplatesThe enigma resides within the particulars.
Quality and meticulousness are Dore’s primary concerns. We applied the same design language to all theme elements, including components, layouts, and applications.
I sincerely hope you appreciate it!

Dore jQuery Site Templates
The features include:
Menu Right Click
RTL and LTR Support for Sound and Video Player Keyboard Shortcuts
Each of Two Panels Menu Iconography Consider (Reduced by $79)
Ten Different Color Schemes
Four Utilizations
Numerous Components
Catalogs of libraries
BoundaryBox Bootstrap
The Bootstrap Date selector
The Bootstrap Provide notice
The Bootstrap Tags enter
Chartjs are shown. Data labeling
Cropperjs CkEditor Countdown
Table of Data
The Dropzonejs
Entire Calendar
Slide away
jQuery is
jQuery is The term “autoellipsis”
The prohibition of jQuery Confirm Momentjs
The Nouilslider
Owl-Owing Carousel
Exemplary Scrollbar
The progress bar
Select Quill 2 Slick
Astute Wizard
Sortable in nature
Mousetrap by Typahead
JQuery Video ContextMenu.js
PAGE Numbers
Register Login Forgot Password
The Data List
Detail of the Thumb List Image List
Alternatives to the Social Profile Portfolio Blog List Blog Detail
To Come Soon
Dore jQuery Site Templates Faq Billing
Expertise Base
Rates for Mailing
Inquiry INCLUDED January PSD Files Dashboard.PSD-Chat (02).PSD File No. 03-Details.PowerPoint 04: Library.PSD filename: 05-ListImage.PSD 06-ListThumbs documents.07-PSD Login.08-Mailing PSD.PSD Survey No. 9.PSD 10-Right-Vertical.PSD 11-Social Profile.PowerPoint 12-Portfolio.PSD 13-Details of the Portfolio Profile.PSD 14: Specifics.15-Coming PSD.Soon.Knowledge Base 16-psd.psd

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