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Acelle AI Kit Nulled Script 0.0.3

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The Acelle AI Kit is a powerful extension that enhances email marketing efforts with accurate spam and subject line scoring. It uses AI algorithms, including chatGPT, to craft compelling email content that resonates with subscribers. The multi-model content generator ensures that emails stand out in crowded inboxes, boosting open and click-through rates. The extension offers features such as AI-powered campaign and template spam score using mail-tester.com, comprehensive subject line scoring using sendcheckit.com, and a multi-model content generator using Open AI models. It also supports text-davinci-003, text-davinci-002, and gpt-3.5-turbo. The extension also offers easy prompt customization, inline report summary, and can be limited to customer groups with different daily limits for each API. The extension requires Acelle version 4.0.25 and provides documentation with video illustrations for installation and usage.

Acelle AI Kit helps you increase your email engagement rates. This powerful addon improves your email marketing efforts by providing precise spam and subject line grading. With AI algorithms like chatGPT, you can safely create captivating email content that connects with your readers. The multi-model content generator will make your emails stand out in busy inboxes, increasing open and click-through rates. Say goodbye to poor engagement rates and welcome to success with the Acelle AI Kit!

Acelle AI Kit Nulled Script This plugin adds spam score testing, subject line scoring, and content (email and topic) generating capabilities to your Acelle-powered application!

Look no farther than the Acelle AI Kit. Our spam and subject line score tools leverage cutting-edge AI technology to improve email deliverability, while our GPT-based content generator allows you to easily write interesting emails. Say goodbye to writers block and welcome to more clicks and conversions!

Acelle AI Kit Nulled Script Quota-prompt-preview B) Features: Top AI-powered campaign and template spam score using mail-tester.com.
Sendcheckit.com offers comprehensive subject line rating.
Generate multi-model content (email and topic) using Open AI models.
Supports text-davinci-003, text-davinci-002, and gpt-3.5-turbo.
Easy prompt modification via the extension settings.
Easy in-line report summary with excellent presentation for each entire report.
Can be confined to certain consumer groups.
Each group may have separate daily restrictions for each API.
ProBuilder AI Assistance
These are the primary elements that the extension delivers and provides you the overall advantage of. Email engagement rates improved, as did open and click-through rates. This is an excellent tool for anyone wishing to take their email marketing to the next level.

Acelle AI Kit Nulled Script QUESTIONS/SUPPORT
Acelle from 4.0.25 to the most recent version is necessary.
We offer documentation that includes video illustrations of installation and use.
We react to your queries as quickly as possible, usually within a few hours, but occasionally it might take up to several days.
We can not accept refunds for extensions after purchase, so please check before purchasing.
Any bespoke work, including setup, installation, and extensions (which may need expert hours), is not free. You may employ us for this.
View the complete documentation here.

https://acelle.turnsaas.com Admin panel URL: https://acelle.turnsaas.com/demo/go/backend.
The login credentials may be found on this page.

Customer panel: https://acelle.turnsaas.com/demo/go/frontend.
The login credentials may be found on this page.


Contact us at [email protected] for help.
CHANGE LOG: Version 0.0.6 – December 13, 2023.
Fix plan-enabled features and improve error handling.
Version 0.0.5 – 1 December 2023.

Acelle AI Kit Nulled Script Mailtester version 0.0.4, released on November 12, 2023, now supports customer locale and may report in the client’s language.

Added feature control/switch to choose which features are offered on a certain plan (version 0.0.3 – August 9, 2023).

Support for ProBuilder: Integration with Block AI helper.
Version 0.0.2, effective 03/06/2023, introduces plan-based daily rate restriction and control.
Fix the problem while utilizing the customer group (plan) limit.
Allow subject scores if an OpenAI key is not given.



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