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YITH WooCommerce Customize My Account Page nulled plugin 4.6.0

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What the plugin accomplishes
Customize your clients’ My Account pages by establishing special sections with promotions and ad-hoc information depending on your requirements.

What you can get from it:
Add an infinite number of menu items to your users’ My Account page, and determine what the content will be: instructions, discounts, surveys, downloadable files, video tutorials, news, alerts, and so on.
Promote items and display messages about promotions and discount coupons directly from the My Account page, one of your website’s most frequented sections;
Create sections with restricted material that are only exposed to certain user roles;
Choose and personalize the layout of the My Account page to make it more functional and contemporary.
Edit the title, content, and location of the WooCommerce default sections (Dashboard, Orders, and so forth).
Allow users to upload their own profile avatar.

YITH WooCommerce Customize My Account Page nulled plugin A fantastic tool for promoting the My Account page and improving the user experience.
One of the most popular areas of an e-commerce site is the My Account page. Users often check their profile area to monitor orders, alter their personal information and payment methods, and so on.

YITH WooCommerce Customize My Account Page nulled plugin As a result, it is critical to provide a useable region that is designed so that users can simply locate the information they are searching for, as well as to take advantage of this part by adding special contents, promotions, and information that may help you loyalize your customers and drive them to purchase.

Customize YITH WooCommerce My Account Page enables you to customize the usual WooCommerce parts and create new sections with any kind of content: words, photographs, videos, downloadable files, discount coupons, and so on. You will be able to promote special deals and items, as well as select whether to reveal the contents to all users or just those with a certain function.

If you want to improve and reinforce the My Account page, our plugin is the answer you’ve been seeking for.

Select the layout for the My Account page.

YITH WooCommerce Customize My Account Page nulled plugin Vertical or horizontal menu? Modern, traditional, or minimalist design? Choose the best design for your business and the location of the menu (vertical, on the right, on the left, or horizontal). Customize the colors, spacing, and icons to meet your specific design needs.


Modify the WooCommerce default endpoints

Are you looking to change the wording or the order of WooCommerce endpoints? Add customized material to your users’ dashboards or a customized symbol next to the endpoint? This plugin is the only option that enables you to make changes to the endpoints without having to go into your website’s code.

Make an infinite number of custom endpoints.
Do you want to create a new My Account page with assembly instructions and video tutorials? Make a page containing FAQs, links to your policies, and Customer Service contact information. Or maybe you could develop a page to promote a product or service and urge customers to contact you? Create an infinite number of endpoints and fill them with content using the visual editor.


Make endpoint groups.

Organize your material and divide it into sections to make the structure and hierarchy of your content obvious and simple to use.

Display dynamic material in the dashboard by using banners.
Improve the user experience by using the new em>banner/em> functionality: Create graphical sections to easily access orders, account information, payment methods, and select whether to display a badge notification with the total number of elements in it: number of orders, number of products in the wishlist (if you use our YITH Wishlist plugin), total points (if you use our YITH nulled plugin Points and Rewards plugin), and so on.


Set apart sections for distinct user roles or members.

Choose whether one or more of your custom endpoints – and their content – will be available to all users, exclusively to specified user roles, or only to members of a specific plan if you use our Membership plugin.

Set up a default avatar for your user and allow them to replace it with their own.
Load a default avatar for your users (make it unique or reflect the look of your store!) Then choose whether to activate or disable the option to allow them to submit a custom avatar.


More links should be added to the endpoints section.

Add a link that will take your consumers to the Shop page, the on-sale goods, or an external URL, such as a dedicated landing page.

Email domains that are not permitted to be registered are blocked.
Do you want to block certain email domains from registering for an account on your website? Make your own “blacklist” and maintain control over the accounts you establish in your store.


Include reCaptcha in the Register form.

Add a reCaptcha option to your registration form to improve store security.

Request that your consumers validate their accounts.
Send new users a verification email and instruct them to click on the confirmation link in it to activate their account.

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