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YITH WooCommerce Coupon Email System nulled plugin 1.36.0

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short description

Create and send strategic coupons in occasion of specific events to loyalize your customers and encourage them to buy.
How you can benefit from it:
You will loyalize your customers by sending a discount code on their birthday;

You can encourage your customers to buy by sending them a “reward” coupon if they spend a certain amount or place a certain number of orders.
You will be able to encourage users to return to your e-commerce by sending an automatic coupon after a specified period of inactivity.

YITH WooCommerce Coupon Email System nulled plugin A strong and simple approach for ensuring that your registered users remember you.
By sending out ad hoc coupons, you can build customer loyalty and encourage them to buy: a simple yet effective marketing strategy for increasing e-commerce site conversions.

Promotions, discounts, and ad hoc presents for your customers to make them feel special: this is one of the methods employed by the most well-known e-commerce businesses to retain consumers and boost transactions.
You will be able to manage the mailing of targeted coupons to encourage your consumers to buy the items on your site thanks to the YITH WooCommerce Coupon Email System plugin.

You may send a coupon with a discount to one of your customers on their birthday, or generate coupons for consumers who haven’t made a purchase in a long time, merely to pique their curiosity in what’s new on your e-commerce site.
Again, you may promote new user registration or support the purchase of certain items; the choices are endless, as are the outcomes in conversions and sales.

Only registered users may use the plugin.

Treat your consumers well.

Send them a voucher to thank them for registering, or on their birthday: there’s more than one incentive to keep them loyal and urge them to buy!

Reward your customers.

YITH WooCommerce Coupon Email System nulled plugin Give a voucher to customers who have satisfied specific criteria (for example, the amount of purchases) and urge them to spend again if a certain number of days have gone since their previous transaction!

Use four distinct templates.

Customize the discount email to your specifications!

Email Design Templates

Take use of Mandrill’s possibilities Send discounts using this sophisticated email management tool.

Make use of the WPML compatibility.
You may quickly translate the plugin using WPML’s powerful tool.

yith nulled plugin

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