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YITH WooCommerce Compare nulled plugin 2.31.0

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short description

What the plugin accomplishes
Allow your clients to compare comparable items in a table that emphasizes differences and emphasizes product characteristics.
What you can get from it:

You will provide your consumers with a comprehensive overview of your goods’ primary features and functions, allowing them to choose the best option for their requirements.
You will increase your e-commerce usability and user experience by eliminating uncertainties that might stymie the transaction.

YITH WooCommerce Compare nulled plugin Give your consumers a tool to help them choose which product is best for them.
Make your customers’ lives simpler by allowing them to compare your items in the simplest and most effective manner possible. They will receive an overview of all you provide with a few clicks and will be able to pick what best matches their requirements!

YITH WooCommerce Compare nulled plugin If you have a large business with numerous goods with comparable characteristics, YITH WooCommerce Compare is a must-have tool.
According to research conducted on the most prominent e-commerce stores, the more alternatives customers have – and therefore identical items to pick from – the more they tend to feel confused and the need to analyze each possibility before buying.

YITH WooCommerce Compare nulled plugin Your customers will be able to compare products on sale in your shop in a simple and efficient manner, analyze their main features in a single table, and understand immediately what is just right for them, without having to examine each individual product page in search of the information they are looking for, thanks to this plugin.
Making the selecting process simpler implies making the buying process faster and encouraging your clients to buy as soon as feasible.

Display the comparison on a different page.
A page that you may include even amid the store menu entries.

Element comparison by category
Thanks to the “Compare by category” feature, there are no more uncertainties.

Specific groups should be excluded.
They will not be accessible for comparison. Alternatively, you may activate just those that can be compared.

Category exclusion
Insert an image into the table’s header.
Make the comparison table your own!

Always compare product details.
There will be no more comparisons with empty fields since they will be automatically hidden!

Share the comparison on social media.
Create your comparison and share it on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest.

Display the linked goods right away.
Thanks to a slider underneath the table that displays goods from the same category/tag!

Products that are related
Alter the style and colors.
Make the plugin completely compatible with your site’s layout!

Personalize characteristics
Add those that you wish to display in the comparison ‘charts’ for your items.

Make a table with the desired goods.
Choose the goods and use the produced shortcode to add the table to the desired pages.

Shortcode comparison chart
Display the list of goods that have been added to the comparison table.
Because of the bundled Widget

Display a count of the goods that have been added to the comparison table.
Using a useful widget or a shortcode

Product counter – compare
Make use of the WPML compatibility.
You may quickly translate the plugin using WPML’s powerful tool.

yith nulled plugin

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