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YITH WooCommerce Brands Add-On nulled plugin 2.24.0

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A tool for displaying the trademarks of your items, generating trust, and ensuring the quality of your products.
What you can get from it:
Create an infinite number of brands to attach to your items.

Highlight the brands of the things you offer (via widgets or sliders, alphabetical ranking of brands, etc.).
Improve user experience by making it easier for consumers to filter and discover particular brand goods.

YITH WooCommerce Brands Add-On nulled plugin  Ensure product awareness and quality by using branding.
71% of internet shoppers believe it is essential to identify a brand before making a purchase. This is not surprising: brands are always a guarantee of quality, they ensure product identification in consumers’ thoughts, and they develop a loyalty and retention attitude that stems from established experience.

The YITH WooCommerce Brands Add-on enables you to rapidly implement a brand system in your shop: well-known brands will draw people to your store, and they will be more inclined to purchase what they discover there because they trust the brands you are offering.

You may use the plugin’s widgets and shortcodes to display brands on store and product pages, display all brands in a sidebar, filter goods by brand, and much more.

Create an infinite number of brands to attach to your items.

YITH WooCommerce Brands Add-On nulled plugin You may simply create an endless number of brands using the plugin. You may provide a name for each brand, change the slug, and upload a custom image/logo. On the product and store pages, you may display simply the name, only the logo, or both.

Create an infinite number of brands to attach to your items.

You may simply create an endless number of brands using the plugin. You may provide a name for each brand, change the slug, and upload a custom image/logo. On the product and store pages, you may display simply the name, only the logo, or both.

Use graphics or logos to help your customers recognize your businesses.

Customers identify visual logos better, even when there is no text, and particularly if you offer famous brand items. With our plugin, you can upload logos, change their size, and select whether to display simply the logo or the textual business name.

Create a bespoke banner for the brand page.

Create a “brand page” where customers can simply access all the available items of a given brand by customizing the brand archive page with a custom header picture.

Show the brand on store sites, product pages, set the location, and tailor what information is shown. There are several alternatives for achieving the desired effect.

On the Shop page, enable the “Sort by brand” option.

YITH WooCommerce Brands Add-On nulled plugin
With a simple click, you can add the option “Sort by brand” to the Shop page’s default sorting menu. Your clients will be able to sort items alphabetically by brand this way.

On the Shop page, enable the “Sort by brand” option.

With a simple click, you can add the option “Sort by brand” to the Shop page’s default sorting menu. Your clients will be able to sort items alphabetically by brand this way.

Create brand-specific discounts or promotions (YITH Dynamic Pricing & Discounts is necessary).
With the combination of this plugin with our YITH nulled plugin  Dynamic Pricing and Discounts, you may establish complicated discount rules or promotions (end-of-season discounts, Black Friday specials, 32, 21, BOGO, and so on) that are exclusively available for items of specified brands.

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