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YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter nulled plugin 5.1.0

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Improve your shop’s user experience by making it easier for consumers to locate the goods they’re searching for.
What you can get from it:
Create a robust filters area on product pages to allow visitors to effortlessly filter goods depending on their needs.

Create an infinite number of filter settings for certain categories or product pages.
Show filters on custom pages (such as those developed with Gutenberg or Elementor) as well as normal WooCommerce pages.
Customize the filter style so that it matches the layout of the theme you’re using for your business.
Display a filters section that has been developed and optimized for mobile users.
Choose whether to display the filters above your product listings in a vertical or horizontal bar (a current arrangement utilized by many large e-commerce websites such as Zalando).

YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter nulled plugin Make it simple for your consumers to locate the things they’re looking for.
Finding the proper product in an e-commerce site may be tough for your consumers without the right assistance. Almost all usability study shows that if they cannot locate what they are searching for within 15 seconds, 75% of consumers leave the store. For this reason, and to facilitate the product search and selection procedures, it is critical to retain consumers and assist sales.

It’s as easy as that: if people can’t filter items, they won’t be able to discover what they’re seeking for as fast. And if they can’t locate it, they won’t be able to purchase it.

YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter allows your users to filter products based on their needs (category, size, color, brand, price, and much more) and find exactly what they want to buy in a few seconds: a simple and powerful tool to direct your customers to their ideal product, speed up the purchase process, and improve your online shop’s conversion rate.

Our plugin is suitable for any kind of shop, particularly those with large catalogs and a large number of goods, which may confuse consumers and cause you to lose revenue.

Lead your prospective buyers to your items properly, and remember: you only have 15 seconds to do so!

Create an infinite number of filter presets to display on various product or category pages.

YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter nulled plugin You will be able to construct an endless number of groups of filters (dubbed “presets”) using the plugin management interface. You may use the widget, the shortcode, the Gutenberg block, or the Elementor widget to specify which filters to display and where this preset will appear for each preset. You may establish various filters depending on the page where they will appear in this manner: for example, you can set different filters for different product categories or construct bespoke pages with unique filters.

Enable the default configuration, and your shop filters will be up and running in just a few clicks.

YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter nulled plugin To make things simpler, we’ve supplied a default preset that includes all of the filters accessible in the plugin. You may turn off the filters you don’t need and customize where and how the preset appears. Do you want the filters to be shown on the shop’s sidebar? When you use the built-in widget, your clients will have access to the filters right away. You may either use the default preset shortcode or add the built-in Gutenberg block to any page of your site: either way, your store filters will be up and running in a matter of seconds and no more than 5 clicks.

Add the filters to any page of your store using the widget, shortcode, Gutenberg block, or Elementor widget.

The filters may be shown on normal WooCommerce pages (such as the Shop page or category pages) or on any other custom page. You have many options: you may use the YITH nulled plugin Ajax Product Filter widget in any sidebar or widget area, the corresponding Gutenberg block to add the filters to your store pages, or a dedicated widget for this page builder if you use Elementor.

Display filters in a modal view created just for customers accessing your site via smartphones or tablets.
An rising number of consumers will utilize mobile devices to access e-commerce sites and buy things online.

As a result, we painstakingly designed a filter modal view that is particularly tailored for visitors browsing the store on a smartphone or tablet. When filtering your items is necessary, it will open in a modal view and the user will be able to pick them as advised by the primary usability and user experience recommendations.

A fantastic filter library that you may use.
According to Baymard Institute study, there are five crucial filters for e-buyers: before purchasing, they want to filter by price, brand, size, color, and rating. YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter provides these and more filters to fulfill your requirements and those of your customers.

The plugin offers the following features:
Filter by category: Allows users to choose which product categories to display.

Filter by tag: Allows users to sort goods by tag.

select by price: Allows users to select goods by a certain price range (depending on their available budget).

Color and size filters: You may design filters for all of the variables accessible in your shop, such as color and size. You may use square or circular color swatches for the color filter, or you can use bespoke photos to remember a certain pattern, tint, or fabric texture.

Filter by rating: Allow your users to filter goods based on the reviews of other customers (most e-buyers wish to bypass low-rated products and focus exclusively on high-rated ones).

Filter by brand: You can also filter goods by brand due to the connection with our YITH Brands Add-on plugin.

Show just on-sale items: With this option, your consumers may filter products and see only those that are on sale.

Show only in-stock goods: With this option, your users may select products based on their requirements and exclude out-of-stock items from the list.

Select the look of your filters.

Select whether to display filters as checkboxes, radio buttons, dropdown menus, multi-select, labels, or pictures. For example, you may use a text list, color swatches, or upload unique photos to better depict the product color shades or particular patterns in the color filter. You may also use textual labels or custom icons to graphically represent each of your product categories.


Choose whether or not to display the filters in a toggle.

For each filter, you can select whether to display it as a toggle — open or closed to maximize available space — or simply display all available choices on the page.

Make AJAX filters function.
Allow your users to see the results of the filters in real time and provide input. Alternatively, you may deactivate AJAX and display a button labeled “Apply filters” to display the filtered goods.


Select how to display the filtered results.

Choose whether to load the filter results using AJAX on the same page or to refresh the page.Select whether or not to display the “Reset Filters” button and the specified filters.
You may display the active filters (and pick whether they should appear in the filters panel on top, above the list of items) and a button that enables resetting all the filters in one click and returning to the original product list to enhance the customer experience on your business.


Change the colors of the filter area.

If you choose the plugin style, you may further modify it by selecting the background color of the filters area, text colors, and the accent color that highlights the active choices.

Make the loader your own.
If you want to add a personal touch, use the default loader image or submit your own.


Select whether or not to index the filters’ URLs.
Choose whether you want the URLs created by the filters to be indexed by search engines or if you want them to be hidden.

Choose how to set the permalinks for the filtered results page.
Configure the URL pattern for pages with active filters: you may opt to leave the page URL alone, add the chosen filters, or update it from the plugin permalinks (this will make the URLs shorter and simpler to share).

Filters should be auto-populated.
Auto-populate filter keywords based on WooCommerce characteristics, tags, and taxonomies.
Do you have a brand or category filter and want to automatically add those brands and categories to the filter when generating them on WooCommerce? The new “Auto-populate with all terms” option enables for automatic filter management and synchronization with categories, tags, characteristics, and taxonomies created in your business, without having to manually modify them.

If you use our YITH WooCommerce Color & Label Variations plugin, you will be able to access color swatches, labels, or pictures defined with this plugin and automatically display them on the corresponding filters.

Show filters in a horizontal toolbar above your goods is now available.
Horizontal filters are a solution employed by a growing number of e-commerce sites (approximately 24%) and are an ideal alternative to the traditional sidebar, which is often disregarded by consumers.

With our plugin, you will be able to set horizontal filters and put them above your shop’s items, giving your e-commerce a contemporary and adaptable solution utilized by stores such as Zalando.

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