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YITH Stripe Connect nulled plugin 2.30.1

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short description

What the plugin accomplishes
Manage complicated transactions automatically, such as dividing payments for a single product and the whole shop.
What you can get from it:

Commissions may be paid manually or automatically.
You may share your store’s profits with other business partners.
You may construct and share a shop with other partners, and the payments will be automatically shared.
You may profit from innovative business concepts that you have previously avoided.

YITH Stripe Connect nulled plugin The approach to establish a commercial activity has transformed in the internet business period, as more retailers and enterprises sell their goods and services via a network. Sometimes, all you need to start an internet company is the proper concept and one or more partners who share your vision.

So, after your e-commerce is set to open and you’ve considered everything, here’s the issue: you’ve planned to share 50%, but how will you put it into action? When the first consumer uses a credit card to buy one of your items, who will get the payment? How will it be divided depending on the agreed-upon commissions?

Take a deep breath and read what our YITH nulled plugin  Stripe Connect can accomplish for you if you’re already ripping your hair out thinking about manually verifying every single order with a calculator in your hand and maintaining all percentages and commissions.

YITH Stripe Connect is the most efficient solution for automatically and instantly splitting credit card payments generated on your shop among your business partners. The plugin, designed to cope with each imaginable eventuality, enables the administrator to:

From the dashboard, you may add an infinite number of recipients, such as partners or collaborators.
Assign each recipient a fixed (e.g., $5 per sale) or percentage compensation (e.g., 25% of the amount).
Assign commissions to all e-commerce goods sales or just selected ones.
Set a time delay for commission payments.
The receiver may monitor every commission and statistics linked to the administrator’s payment via the dashboard.


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