Home | Shop | YITH Google Product Feed for WooCommerce nulled plugin 1.31.0

YITH Google Product Feed for WooCommerce nulled plugin 1.31.0

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short description

A great connection allows you to instantly add all of your items to Google Shopping.
What you can get from it:
You will have no trouble being found on Google Shopping.

You will not be required to fill out difficult files in order to transmit them.
You will find it simple to manage your product feeds in Google Shopping.

YITH Google Product Feed for WooCommerce nulled plugin From the start, connect WooCommerce to Google Merchant.
Have you ever noticed that Google includes product feeds in its search results?

They are enticing, intriguing, and appealing!
They quickly attract consumers’ attention, convince them to click, and drive them to your store page.

Google Merchant is a brilliant Google initiative designed for individuals looking to increase their sales.
Just consider it! That easy click will not only accomplish the goal, but will also bring individuals with a strong proclivity to buy to your site, increasing your sales as a result.

After creating an account with Google Merchant, all you have to do is activate our “YITH Google Product Feed for WooCommerce” plugin to generate the right file containing the items you’ve chosen, enabling you to display them on Google’s search engine in no time.

It’s as simple as pie! Your company will expand far above your expectations.

Take a look at the screenshots below to see how simple and fast it is.

Version: 1.29.0 Date: 2023-12-13

PHP version 7.0 is required.
WordPress 6.2 and WooCommerce 8.2 are required.
WordPress 6.4.x and WooCommerce 8.4.x are supported.

Multilanguage plugins that are supported: WPML
Ready for translation: YES
YITH nulled plugin guarantees the following languages: Italian and Spanish
Users submitted the following languages: Dutch (100%), German (87%).
The YITH Proteo theme is supported. YITH plugins are all used.
> > Translate this plugin View the documentation > View the changelog > Seek assistance.
Create Google Merchant feeds
Allow your items to be listed on Google Shopping as well.

Page of Google Shopping
Select the goods to be included in the feeds.
Choose whether to choose all items or to filter them by the category or tag to which they belong.

YITH Google Product Feed for WooCommerce nulled plugin Products to include into feed
Create your own feed templates.
And then choose the Google fields you wish to display as well as the information associated with each of them.

Custom templates associate custom field values with Google characteristics
You’ll be able to display custom information in addition to the basic ones offered by WooCommerce this manner.

Custom fields on Google
Improve generic Google fields
By assigning the same weight to all of them

General feed fields on Google
Override product-level values
Feed generic values may be overridden in basic products or at the variation level.

Fields from Google in a single product
Make use of the WPML compatibility.
You may quickly translate the plugin using the excellent WPML tool.

Wpml Compatible Functions
There is no limit to the amount of feeds you may create. Include all goods in the feed, or simply those in the chosen category and/or tag.
Create feeds in.xml and/or.txt format.
Create unique feed templates and pick which Google fields to include.
Select the information to show for each Google field in the feed.
Include information in the feed that is related to a specified custom field.
Add a prefix and/or suffix to the information shown on Google Shop if desired.
Set the same settings for all goods in Google Merchant general feeds.
override global settings at the product (single product) or variant level

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