Home | Shop | YITH Composite Products nulled plugin 1.24.0

YITH Composite Products nulled plugin 1.24.0

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short description

What the plugin accomplishes
Set up and sell things that can be assembled by consumers, such as computers and sporting equipment.
What you can get from it:

You will encourage consumers to buy items that better meet their requirements, increasing customer happiness and significantly lowering support inquiries and uncertainties that may prevent them from buying.
You will boost the average order value by directing consumers through the purchase of additional goods by showing them precisely what they need to build the product they desire.

YITH Composite Products nulled plugin Allow your consumers to create items in a few simple steps and make them feel confident in their selection.
Have you ever seen your consumers’ actions while attempting to setup a composite product? Do you have any idea how they feel when they don’t succeed?

I swear to you!
They are extremely upset as they struggle to find things in a thousand different categories. Furthermore, in most situations, they neglect certain things, causing severe harm to your shop.

With our YITH WooCommerce Composite Products, you can pick any composite product quickly, dynamically, and safely.

Thanks to our plugin, your clients will have no trouble purchasing things such as laptops, sports equipment, home furnishings, skateboards, drones, bicycles, and so on.

Allow your consumers to put together their own product using other items from your shop.
Your customers will be able to choose all of the product components they wish to purchase in a very comfortable manner.

YITH Composite Products nulled plugin Set a base price to which each component’s price will be added.
Your customers could easily choose all of the components of the product they needed to purchase.

Choose the appropriate arrangement for displaying the product’s components.
Select from the following options: listed, accordion list, and step

For each component, there are three distinct methods to show the product.
Dropdown, product thumbnails, or radio buttons: you determine which option is ideal for your product page.

Choose the product you want to make accessible to consumers.
Displaying individual goods or the whole product list under a certain tag or category

Select the purchaseable quantity for each component.
Establish a minimum and maximum quantity for each component.

Allow for “composite” goods discounts.
You may allow a discount on the advertised price for each product that consumers can pick.

Determine which goods must be bought.
Make the purchase of one or more goods a requirement.

Make an automated connection between the components.
Create a network of dependencies to configure the plugin’s behavior in the event of particular product selection, either by excluding or compelling the selection of certain items.

Set a one-time or recurring shipping cost.
Choose whether to establish a single shipping charge for the whole composite product or to include the shipping expenses of each component.

Make use of the WPML compatibility.
You may quickly translate the plugin using WPML’s powerful tool.

YITH WooCommerce


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