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QuickJob Nulled Script 6.1

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short description

QuickJob is a premium PHP script designed for creating an online job board. It offers a clean typographic style, is adaptable, SEO-optimized, feature-rich, and user-friendly. The script can be used to create a web-based classifieds site, with classified ads posted for free or upgraded to premium with various features.

QuickJob’s premade job board PHP script is fast, powerful, and easy to adapt. It supports multiple languages, offers a robust control panel for managing listings, and includes a sitemap for the online site. The script also supports geoname databases, geo-targeted advertising, and offers various payment methods.

Key features of the Best Classified Script include reviews from readers, sign-in to Facebook, and login to Google+. The design is extremely flexible, with a variety of colors, high-quality submission, sponsored ads, and geolocation support. The script also includes plugins for 14 different payment gateways, such as Stripe, Payumoney, Mollie, Paystack, Paytm, 2Checkout, and CCAvenue.

In summary, QuickJob is a top-tier, turnkey job board web app that offers a user-friendly and customizable experience. It includes a variety of features, including a real-time AJAX chat, a customizable dashboard, and various plugins for various payment gateways. With its user-friendly interface and advanced features, QuickJob is an excellent choice for those looking to launch their own online job board.

QuickJob Nulled Script

QuickJob – Job Board Job Portal PHP Script

Responsive, contemporary, versatile, proactive, and creatively designed—QuickJob Job Board PHPScript is a premium script for a job board. Designed for utmost beauty, speed, and power. Impressive, theoretically sound, very adaptable, responsive, SEO-optimized, feature-rich, and incredibly user- and admin-friendly—these are the hallmarks of this top-tier, turnkey job board web app. simple installation Users will have no trouble installing, using, and personalizing this theme. Fantastic user interfaces were achieved by using top-notch AngularJS admin dashboard templates.

Launch your customized online job board.
There is a wealth of information accessible online that will assist you in turning your company concept into a reality with the aid of the QuickJob premade job board PHP script if you are interested in starting an online job portal. In order to launch a comprehensive employment portal solution, you must first choose the right niche. Fast, powerful, and simple to adapt, QuickJob is a job board PHP script and a ready-made online job site that has an ultimate, clean typographic style. You will also have no trouble showing PHP job scripts with the aid of our top job board script and job script. You may utilize a job-classified PHP script with the aid of our premium Job Board web app to quickly provide the required results. In order to build a web-based classifieds site, you may use the QuickJob classified scripts. Classified ads may be posted for free or upgraded to premium with a variety of features for end users.

Plugin for real-time AJAX chat, Quickchat
Installation and setup instructions for the Quickchat real-time AJAX chat messaging plugin:
The installation of this chat module does not require any knowledge of programming whatsoever. All you have to do is get the zip file, open it, and then copy and paste the contents into the script’s plugins folder. Click on “Admin > Chat Settings” to check your purchase code.

Try it out for yourself at this link: https://quickjob.bylancer.com/.
Password: company
User ID: 123456

Introducing our user demo: https://quickjob.bylancer.com/
Login Information: User Password: 123456

Check out this admin demo: https://quickjob.bylancer.com/admin.
Login: administrator
Login: admin

Backing for various nations
Can I configure the script to work with only one nation or with several? Countries listed on https://quickjob.bylancer.com/.
Get the code folder copied, and then paste it into your server’s or localhost’s directory.

Go inside the QuickJob folder and run it.
The path will change to the “/install” folder.
One must first choose a language. and then click. The second step is to use PHPMyAdmin to create a database.
Step 3: Input the hostname, username, and password for the database. and then click. After that,
Step 4: Type in your admin credentials. after which you should choose Next.
The task at hand is concluded. The installation is now complete. Choose the front end and take pleasure in using the QuickJob script.

Features of the Best Classified Script

Installation and updating were made easy using the wizard.
You can skip setting up a cronjob.
Easily editable HTML design files.
Convenient for editing language files.
Accepts offline payment, Stripe, 2Checkout, Paystack, and PayPal.
Advertise paid or unpaid positions.
Those people who are interested in receiving email alerts about new job postings are called subscribers.
On the job search page, you’ll notice an option to activate or disable
Users can create their own fields (you can add new form fields based on your needs).
The following steps are required to integrate ZeChat: Locate the chat box on the website, copy the purchase code, and then utilize it.
Inbox Responsive Chat with Wchat Integration: Use this link to get a Wchat purchase code and add it to your account.
Various theme options
Brand New PHP Classified Job Script: Bootstrap, Traditional Style
Support for Multiple Languages (Including Arabic, Hindi, French, Spanish, Italian, German, and Japanese)
A robust control panel for managing your site’s free and paid listings features.
Updated sections: Frequently Asked Questions, Contact Us, Feedback, Privacy, and Terms and Conditions
Outside email services such as Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP), PHPMail, Amazon Simple Email Service (SES), Mailgun, and Mandrill
Sitemap for the Online Site

search engine optimization
The Google Adsense program
My Jobs: Show, Hide, and Resubmit
Place in Favorite
Job Edit, Delete, Hide, and Show
Toggle power on/off Language Choice for Users
Integration of geoname databases
Advertising that is geo-targeted
Completely responsive, multi-currency
Alternate between multi-country and single-country modes.
Some of the payment methods include PayPal, Paystack, NoChex, wire transfer, and check deposit.
The post-employment transaction history feature makes city selection easier to utilize.

Key Points

Reviews from Readers
Sign in to Facebook.
Login to Google+. Design of the Material
Extremely Flexible
A plethora of hues
High-Quality Submission
Sponsored Ad
Listing Highlighted and Time-Sent
Pay with PayPal Optimization for integrated SEO
Coordinates from Google Maps
A plethora of hue maps by Google
Support for geolocation
Support for several browsers
Reminders by Email
Appropriately annotated code.
Free updates, installation, setup, and a whole lot more besides.

Plugins for 14 Different Payment Gateways

Obtain a $400 rebate.
Plugin for Stripe Payments and Offline Payments
Payment Plugin by Payumoney
Payment Plugin for Mollie
Instant Payments using Paystack
Payment Plugin for Paytm
A Payment Gateway for 2Checkout
Gateway for CCAvenue Payments
The following plugins are available for QuickCMS: Iyzico, Midtrans, Paytabs, Telr, and Flutterwave.

Included in this category are scripts for jobs, classified jobs, PHP classified jobs, comprehensive classified solutions, and classified PHP scripts.

PHP nulled scripts


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