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HR Records module for Perfex CRM Nulled Script 1.0.7

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short description

HR Records is a system that provides a central database for all employees, providing tangible evidence of an organization’s activities. It includes records related to training, performance, absenteeism, wages, and more. The HR Records module for Perfex CRM offers features such as dashboards, job descriptions, company organizational charts, onboarding, HR records management, training, contracts, dependents, layoff management, Q&A, and company policy management. It also includes settings for contract type management, salary type management, allowance type management, layoff checklist management, type of training management, onboarding template management, workplace management, and permission management. The module integrates with recruitment management, timesheets and leave management, HR payroll, fixed equipment management, OKRs, inventory management, and purchase management.

Brief description.
HR Records module for Perfex CRM Nulled Script is a human resource management system. The major role is to offer a central database that contains records for all former and current workers. Human resource records are the informational papers used by an organization to carry out its tasks. It symbolizes the memories of the organization. The records contain information about the organization in physical form, such as textual, graphical, and chart formats.
As a result, they provide tangible proof of the organization’s actions. Personnel records offer information concerning HR’s role in the organization, such as records pertaining to training, performance, absenteeism, pay and salaries, labor turnover, productivity, morale surveys, work satisfaction, social security, employee welfare, and so on.

Please review the attached images, which show all visible portions of the module.

HR Records for Perfex CRM.
HR Records for Perfex CRM – YouTube.

Module Features
Dashboard: Staff ratios by departments, occupations, and age groupings, Staff turnover ratio based on seniority. Staff Status by MonthsMonthly birthdays,…
Job Description. Group Management
Job Descriptions Management
Company Organizational Chart
Onboarding Management
HR Record Management
Training Management
Contracts and Dependencies Management
Manage layoffs, Q&A sessions, and company policies.
HR Reports:
Laying off staff
The staff list contains pay changes.
Seniority-based staff turnover ratio
Monthly Staff Change Ratio
Personnel Qualifications by Department
Contract Type Management
Types of management include salary and allowances.
Layoff Checklist Management
Type of Training Management
Onboarding Template Management
Workplace and Contract Template Management
Permission Management
General Settings
My profile is detailed.
My Contracts
My Dependent Persons
My Trainings
My Projects
My Payslips: This capability interfaces with the HR Payroll Management module.
My assets: This capability connects with the Fixed Equipment Management module.
My File Attachments Integration:
Recruitment Management for Perfex CRM.
Timesheets and Leave Management in Perfex CRM
HR Payroll for Perfex CRM.
Fixed Equipment Management in Perfex CRM
OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) for Perfex CRM, including inventory management.
Purchase Management Demo for Perfex CRM.
HR Record Management Demo

HR Records module for Perfex CRM Nulled Script If you don’t know how to upload and activate the module within Perfex CRM, the included documentation will show you how.

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