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dizzy Nulled Script 5.0

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Dizzy is a platform that supports creators in any field by offering features like real-time streaming, video chat, membership fees, and monetization options. It allows creators to earn subscriptions from their most devoted fans or anyone who appreciates their work. Dizzy is not an adaptable clone script but provides unique features comparable to OnlyFans and Patreon.

Features include streaming in real time, video chat, membership fees, GDPR banner cookies, notifications, proof of identity, profile changes, and the ability to monetize posts. Artists can load their virtual wallets with points to pay to access premium content.

Dizzy also offers page SEO, avatars, payment options, and recurring payments. It integrates with Stripe, BitPay, RazorPay, IyziCo, Authorize.Net, and PayStack.

The platform also supports multiple languages, allows users to transmit gifs, stickers, films, and images, and offers tracking of all payments sent and received. Users can use various file formats, including mp4, mp3, mpg, mov, m4v, avi, flv, mpeg, MPEG, webm, mkv, MKV, gif, GIF, jpg, jpeg, JPEG, JPG, PNG, and png.

Dizzy requires PHP version 7.1.0 or later, Apache mod_rewrite, PHP version 8, MySQL version 5.6, PDO: OpenSSL Extension for PHP PHP Modules, and Mbstring Module for PHP JSON. Support requests can be submitted for any issues during the update process.

dizzy Nulled Script

dizzy – Support Creators Content Script

lightheaded: Back the Makers Creators in any field may use Content Script to earn subscriptions from their most devoted fans or from anybody who appreciates their work. This includes photographers, designers, developers, Instagrammers, and YouTubers.

Creators are the only ones who can monetize their work with features like Premium Content Share and Subscriber Content Share, even though anybody can make content.

Dizzy is not an adaptable clone script. While Dizzy’s features are comparable to those of OnlyFans and Patreon, the platform provides just what you’re looking for in a one-of-a-kind project.

Streaming in real time (ABORA API)
Video Chat (API from AGORA)
Users have the option to pick the membership fee for weekly, monthly, or annually.
A new policy on GDPR banner cookies is now live!
Notifications An immediate user has the opportunity to get administrative notifications for comments, follows, subscriptions, posts, purchases, likes, comments, and approvals.
Proof of identity by submitting a government-issued photo ID
Change your profile.
Acknowledged users will be shown a badge.
The number of posts you may make using the Free, Subscriber, and Premium Point (credit) systems is infinite.
Artists have the option to monetize their posts. In exchange for the points the post’s author has set, others may see the post.
Users may load their virtual wallets with points to pay to access premium content.
Posts may be managed by users.
Only creators have access to the dashboard; regular users do not.
page SEO
Add an avatar.

Cover Upload
Choose a payment option (bank transfer or PayPal).
Withdraw funds after you achieve the admin-set minimum.
Determine creators by entering their name or user ID.
The integration with Stripe supports recurring payments. Payment integration with PayPal BitPay integration for payments RazorPay Integration for Payments iyziCo Integration for Payments Integration with Authorize.Net for Payments Payment Processor: PayStack
This week’s top five creators!
Discover Makers
Social Use your Twitter or Google account to log in for verification.
Share pictures and graphics.
Premium and subscription postings’ pictures and videos are blurred by the system. This ensures that the member won’t be able to see the post’s actual picture unless they subscribe to the profile or pay for the post.
Each user has the option to report posts.
Anyone may ban posts.
Turn on or off the message.

Right now, using the choice box
Revenue generated by the Creator Dashboard as a whole
Hashing passwords securely
SMTP Assistance
A breeze to translate
Multiple languages are used.
Users may transmit gifs, stickers, films, and images using the system’s Upload Message progress bar.
The message system’s infinite scroll feature
The user wall and the profile wall allow endless scrolling!
Tracking of all payments sent and received Notifications sent via email
The place where you can get in touch with us
Updating Your Password-Preserved Posts
The Stickers System in Messages and Comments
Comment and Message GIF System The Commend and Message Emoticon System
Ads that have been sponsored
Customers who have subscribed
Funds Transferred
Modes for Light and Dark
Accessibility Options Configuration of Website Options Logo for the Site Favicon
“Keywords,” “Site Name,” “Site Title,” and “Description”
Primary Language (fill in the blank)
Modus Operandi (Activate/Deactivate)
Verify email (activate or deactivate).
Set up (Activate/Deactivate)
(If enabled, a single IP address may register twice.)
Restrictions on File Upload Size
Page Duration
Displayed post count
Display the pagination number.
You may use the following file formats: mp4, mp3, mpg, mov, m4v, avi, flv, mpeg, MPEG, webm, mkv, MKV, gif, GIF, jpg, jpeg, JPEG, JPG, PNG, and png.
Accepted file formats are gif, GIF, jpg, jpeg, JPEG, JPG, PNG, and png.

Information Regarding Billing, Email Preferences, and Storage (Amazon S3)
Oversee Messages
Premium posts should be approved by the administrator.
Exclusive Posts
Posts for Subscribing
Managing SVG Icons with Custom CSS and JS
Parcel Settings for Points
Coordinate Languages
People using
Oversee Users
Creator Requests for Verification
Creating, editing, and deleting pages
Create, edit, and delete stickers.
Ways to Pay
The Settings for Payment
The PayPal
Authorize.Net, Bitpay, and Stripe
RazorPay, IyziCo, and PayStack

Social Logins (Managing Your Google and Twitter Accounts)
Take Charge of Your Bills
Coordinate Withdrawals
Oversee advertising for subscription payments.
Design a promo video.
Oversee ad campaigns.

Things needed

PHP version 7.1.0 or later, Apache mod_rewrite, PHP version 8, MySQL version 5.6
PDO: OpenSSL Extension for PHP PHP Modules Mbstring Module for PHP JSON The configure file for the cURL extension in PHP is set to “ON.”
Information about PHP FFMPEG Extension Updates
Please submit a support request by clicking HERE if you encounter any issues throughout the update process. Please do not use the comment section to ask technical questions.

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