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Secure-PHP-Login Nulled Script 4.6

by jeyaganesh89

Short description

The Secure-PHP-Login & Registration System is a secure login and registration system built on Bootstrap and PHP frameworks. It features password encryption, a built-in email activation mechanism, JQuery Validation plugin, AJAX, user statistics, a search bar, and the ability to manually add new users. The system uses modern password security technologies and is the only login management system available.

The system has been updated with features such as Twitter Bootstrap-based design, jQuery Validation plugin for form validation, blowfish encryption, and a list of registered users on the admin screen. The system has also been updated with features like resending passwords, resolving styling problems, and integrating the ability to reset passwords.

The system has undergone several updates, including a search user screen, user count screen, and a revamped admin panel. The system has also been updated with new features such as user roles, font amazing library version, and a new page for users to change their passwords.

The system has been updated with new features and fixes, such as a bug that allowed spaces and special characters to enter form fields and updates to the Facebook SDK. No payment is required for any of the forthcoming upgrades.

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Secure-PHP-Login Nulled Script

Secure-PHP-Login & Registration System

The Bootstrap and PHP frameworks were used to construct the secure login and registration system.

1. Password encryption in the login and registration module makes it difficult to decode the stored password in the database.

Because this package already includes all of the necessary backend PHP scripts, no more coding effort is required.

Third, a built-in email activation mechanism gives out activation codes via email to each user.

The Jquery Validation plugin and AJAX are used to live-validate the forms.

User statistics, a search bar, and the ability to manually add new users are some of the extra features offered by the backend admin interface.

Step 6: Confirm the form without refreshing the page.

If a user forgets their password, they may now establish a new one using the new reset password tool.

Eight, enter your credentials from Google, Twitter, or Facebook.

Publish all necessary documents for setup.

10. Using password hashing and other modern password security technologies, this is the only login management system available.
Eleven. Neither the PHP nor the MySQL code used in this script is outdated. We update all the scripts often.

This minimalist theme is perfect for websites and touch devices like the iPad and Android tablets.

Version 1.0 features: 1. Twitter Bootstrap-based, simple, and fast design
Second, the jQuery Validation plugin for form validation
Please validate the form input without refreshing the page.
Activation keys are supplied to users via email for use during registration.
Five. Blowfish encryption for very safe password storage
Displaying a list of registered users on the admin screen

Updated in July 2013 to version 1.1

1.Mistake corrections
A new capability to resend the activation email has been added.
I fixed an issue with the ajax response and switched to using JSON.

Version 1.2, August 18, 2013

I resolved a few issues with resending passwords.
The activation procedure no longer has a styling problem.
Thirdly, we’ve included the ability to reset passwords and a new activation status of “2” to indicate that a reset is now underway.
The error messages in db.php have been consolidated for easier modification.
5. All pages may have their logo wording updated in db.php.
Version 2.1: September 1, 2013

Sign in with your Google+ and Twitter accounts.
Save information for those who use Google and Twitter.
Characteristics V2.2, 2-Oct-2013

Features V3.0, 6-Oct-2013, item 1, adds username to session variable

1. Use your Facebook account to log in.
New features and a revamped admin panel
Features V3.1, introduced on July 20, 2014, include a search user screen and a user count screen.

1. From the admin interface, add a new user.
Updated styles to use Bootstrap 3.0
Third, enhancements to Ajax.
The work of Devlup

Updated Features V3.2: June 13, 2015

1. Applied MySQLi extension
2. Upgraded to Bootstrap 3.3
Updated JQuery to version 1.11
A number of serious issues with the send mail feature have been resolved.
5. We have resolved the styling problems with the admin interface.
The alignment of the email text was corrected for a few small problems.
Version 4 Features: March 2016

1. The bcrypt logic has been updated to solve the password problem.
2. Resolved the problem with blank Facebook usernames
4. The administration panel has been revamped utilizing SB-Admin2 Features V4.2 (August 27, 2017). 5. A new page has been added for users to change their passwords.

1. Critical security updates 2. resolved redirect loops and updated the Facebook library.
December 25, 2017: New Features V4.3

1. New features: User roles have been added. Now the admin may create new roles, assign existing ones, and search people according to their responsibilities. Updated font amazing library version 2. 3. Modifying code on the administrative portal.

Version 4.4: August 8, 2018: Features

1. Initial installation procedures for the database were fixed. 2. Errors in the database were fixed.

Dec 25, 2019: Features V4.5

First, we fixed a bug that allowed spaces and special characters to enter form fields. 2. Update on the Facebook SDK

Updated features as of August 1, 2021

1. The latest version of JQuery, 3.6.0, and JQuery Validator version 1.19.3 have been updated. 3. A redesign of the members page

Updates to the connection between Facebook and Google are on the horizon.

No payment is required for any of the forthcoming upgrades!

php Nulled Script
php Script


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