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YITH Automatic Role Changer nulled plugin 1.37.0

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short description

Change the role of your users automatically depending on the purchase of a certain product or the amount spent on your shop.
What you can get from it:
You may configure a user role change and specify the event or action that will trigger it automatically.

You may add value to your users and reward those that buy more often or for a longer period of time by giving them an ad hoc position.
When combined with other plugins such as YITH Role Based Prices or YITH Points and Rewards, you may build customer loyalty and promote purchases by providing discounts and offers to users with specified roles.

YITH Automatic Role Changer nulled plugin When certain circumstances occur, the user’s role is automatically changed.
This is the essence of business: each consumer is unique, and despite knowing your pricing rules and how you deal with them, they constantly want more, and if you don’t provide it to them, they will get upset and go on to your competition.

How many different kinds of clients do you have?

YITH Automatic Role Changer nulled plugin Some of them want to be treated differently than others because they purchase a lot of things every month, while others want to be favored since they are long-term clients, and so on…

But how could you possible grant privileges to everyone of your consumers when they all have diverse needs?

Sure, when we run a small business, we may modify the user role by accessing WooCommerce’s preferences, effectively providing them benefits that others do not have, but when these customers grow to 10, 20, or 100… this may become an issue.

The most crucial thing is to automatically distribute benefits to certain users!

Our YITH nulled plugin Automatic Role Changer for WooCommerce conducts this task while keeping your and your customers’ demands in mind.

After installing it, you will be able to, for example, provide a certain user role to all those who purchase a specific product, or assign the VIP position to those who spend more than a certain amount, or even do so for a specified time period.

Do you understand how effective this marketing plan may be?

This plugin is compatible with membership plugins, subscription plugins, point and reward systems, and so on… Learn about all of the features and how they interact with other plugins.

Create a mechanism for automatic role distribution.
Create as many rules as you wish and decide which roles to allocate to clients after one or more transactions.

Choose what clients must buy in order to play a given role.
Select whether you want to assign a position after buying a particular product or one from a specified category or tag.

Set the minimum amount that must be paid in order to attain a given job.
Set a needed minimum and maximum amount.
Set a time limit for each rule.
To make timed offers, choose the beginning and/or ending date, after which roles will no longer be assigned and will be withdrawn.

Prevent a role from being used incorrectly.
Specifying the user roles to which you do not want the specified rule to apply

Keep up to date on the responsibilities that your customers achieve.
When a role is assigned after a transaction, both administrators and customers get an email message.

Easily identify orders that have a role attribution.
Role-attributed orders are distinguished by a special icon on the “Orders” page and a notice on the particular order page.

Metabox and icon
Utilize the roles established by the Members plugin.
Extending the plugin’s functionality beyond the normal WordPress and WooCommerce responsibilities

Change roles automatically
If you satisfy certain criteria, your role will change automatically.

Change roles
Make use of the WPML compatibility.
You may quickly translate the plugin using the sophisticated tool provided by WPML.

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