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YITH WooCommerce Questions and Answers nulled plugin 1.34.0

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short description

Create a strong Q&A section on your product page so that your clients can discover answers to their queries and purchase with confidence.
What you can get from it:
By removing any uncertainties that may arise throughout the purchase process straight from product pages, you will improve your sales and decrease the amount of abandoned carts.

You will lessen return and refund requests by providing more information about the product and providing a clear overview to your consumers.
On each product and information that has to be highlighted, you will have an analytical tool connected to commonly asked queries or features by your consumers.
You will be able to encourage your consumers to participate actively in your e-commerce and to personally respond to inquiries about items they have previously bought (like Amazon does).
You will increase user experience and decrease customer care effort with a well-structured Q&A section.

YITH WooCommerce Questions and Answers nulled plugin

Respond to your consumers’ concerns and convince them to buy once and for all. Online shoppers are often hesitant to buy a product they cannot see or touch.Put yourself in the shoes of your prospective customers: all they know about the product is represented by a picture and a few descriptive words; they are unable to directly check the specifics or ask for further information from a salesperson, as they would in a physical store. How many questions would they ask before pressing the buy button, and how irritated would they be if they bought naively!

The more your clients’ need for additional information about your items is met, the higher your e-commerce conversion rate will be. YITH nulled plugin Questions And Answers allows you to provide a good response to any uncertainties that may hinder your consumers from purchasing products: you can use the plugin to create a FAQ section in each product detail page, and add the most frequently asked questions and answers individually.

Similarly, your consumers will be able to simply and quickly submit their queries and wait for you — or maybe a customer who has previously bought that exact product — to provide them with all of the information they want. You will be able to develop a direct channel with your prospective consumers and reassure them into the purchase thanks to YITH WooCommerce Questions And Answers: a real marketing tool that your company cannot afford to overlook.

Version: 1.34.0 Date: 2023-12-14

PHP version 7.0 is required.
WordPress 6.2 and WooCommerce 8.2 are required.
WordPress 6.4.x and WooCommerce 8.4.x are supported.

YITH WooCommerce Questions and Answers nulled pluginWPML and Loco Translate are two multilanguage plugins that ar e supported.
Ready for translation: YES
YITH guarantees the following languages: Italian, Spanish
User-supplied languages: Dutch (99%).
The YITH Proteo theme is supported. YITH plugins are all used.
Third-party themes that were supported: Avada, Divi, Flatsome, Neighborhood, Storefront, and X are all WordPress themes.
Elementor GDPR is a page builder that is supported. Compliant: Yes > Translate this plugin > View documentation > View changelog > Contact support WITH YITH QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS:
Set the number of responses to show.
To keep your product page layout steady, use restricted paging.

Number of responses

Make use of a voting mechanism.
Users will highlight the most helpful queries and replies in this manner.

Set up an email notification system for the voting system.
You may get an email notice for each new inquiry regarding your items, as well as notifications for individuals who have previously asked a question about that product.

Notifications by email

Automatically hide incorrect responses
Your users will be able to recognize any communications that are out of place as “inappropriate content.”

Unsuitable content
Protect your users’ privacy.
You may use the anonymous mode to conceal the identity of anybody who posts inquiries or replies.

anonymity mode

Encourage users to respond
To get a straight opinion from customers who have previously bought a product, send them an email asking them to respond to a new question.

Invite others to respond Protect your website from unwanted material
The No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA uses Google’s captcha technology.

Re-Captcha Captcha

Create a product page with questions and answers.
Using the specified shortcode, you may display them immediately inside the relevant tab or anywhere else on the website.

Avoid using spam on product sites.
Only after administrator clearance will the questions and answers be published.

Content approval/disapproval Allow unlogged users to insert questions and answers
To submit the information, you must provide your name and email address.

Form for unregistered users
Make a FAQ system.
Users will see questions and answers, but only administrators will be able to insert information.

Q&A mode
Make use of the WPML compatibility.
You may quickly translate the plugin using the excellent WPML tool.

YITH WooCommerce Questions and Answers nulled plugin Wpml Compatible Functions
Set the number of responses that will be shown for each question.
Notify the administrator via email whenever a new question or answer is added to the product.
Notify users when an answer to a query they submitted is added.
Allow people to vote on questions and responses.
Allow users to report abuses.
Instead of the whole response, provide merely a preview.
For both questions and answers, use the incognito mode: The author’s name may be concealed.
When a new question is added to a product, send an email to all users who have bought it.
FAQ Mode: questions and answers are shown to users without the option of inclusion.
There is no CAPTCHA or reCAPTCHA.
Possibility of displaying questions and answers directly inside the particular tab or in any other location on the website by using the relevant shortcode
Only publish questions and/or answers with administrator clearance.
Unlogged users may only insert questions and/or answers after filling out the insertion form with their name and email address.
Override your theme’s generated email templates

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