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YITH Woocommerce Authorize.net Payment Gateway nulled plugin 1.2.9

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short description

What the plugin does is integrate authorize.net payments into your e-commerce.
What you can get from it:

You will be able to accept credit card payments in your e-commerce.
Your clients will be able to store payment method information and speed up the checkout process; you will increase your notoriety and status by using a payment gateway that is internationally acknowledged as one of the most stable and professional.

YITH Woocommerce Authorize.net Payment Gateway nulled plugin A comprehensive and secure payment gateway integrated into your website: clients feel more comfortable, and loyalty increases.
According to research, the more payment options offered on your website, the more reliable it is. Offering a payment gateway as popular and simple to integrate as Authorize.net ensures users’ dependability and accessibility. It becomes a reason to make customers feel at ease on your website and increase their loyalty.

YITH Woocommerce Authorize.net Payment Gateway nulled plugin Authorize.net is a payment gateway that provides you with rapid, dependable, and secure transaction data delivery. It is widely utilized and widely popular, which helps to boost customer confidence.
A website that provides safe and well-known payment options seems trustworthy and encourages users to make purchases since they know there are no dangers. Users will be able to enjoy all of the benefits that come with the ability to pay with a credit card; they will be more comfortable while purchasing, which greatly improves the likelihood that they will become repeat customers.

YITH WooCommerce Authorize.net incorporates this payment gateway into your themes, saving you the trouble of linking a website to payment processing networks.
The Authorize.net service is offered in the following countries: the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Europe, and Australia.

Choose a transaction mode.
Users may choose where to finish the payment process by using the “Redirect” and “API” options.

Credit card payment
The plugin enables users to freely pay using credit cards.

Cards de crédit

Make use of an echeck.
Simple and direct withdrawal from your bank account
Make itemized orders.
Users will be able to view the order total as well as other data in this manner.

Make prompt refunds.
With a single click, you may issue a refund straight to the users’ credit cards.
Make use of the WPML compatibility.
You may quickly translate the plugin using the excellent WPML tool.

It incorporates the “Authorize.net” payment mechanism into your store.
It enables payment via authorize.net by forwarding people to their website.
It enables you to personalize the frontend interface by applying labels, descriptions, and credit card logos.

It provides you the option of approving transactions and capturing them instantly or later.
Users may pay with a credit card in your business.
E-check payments are accepted.
It enables you to submit itemized requests to the server (bought goods are enumerated, one for each line, similar to order information in an invoice).
It allows you to manage payment methods for saved users so that they may be used for future checkouts.
It gives your users the ability to modify their payment methods, remove them, and designate one as the default.

yith nulled plugin 

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