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Infix LMS Nulled Script 7.0.0

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PublishX is an AI-powered Content Management System (CMS) designed to enhance the Perfex CRM experience. It offers a range of innovative features, including Auto Write Posts With AI, SEO-friendly templates, Multiple Languages, Google Analytics integration, Dynamic Post Categories, Optimized For Speed, Powerful Search Option, Scheduled Options, Track Views of the Posts, and Blog Posts On Client Portal. PublishX uses AI to generate high-quality, engaging posts, allowing users to focus on content creation. The platform also offers SEO-friendly templates to improve website visibility and attract a broader audience. PublishX caters to a diverse audience by allowing easy translation and localization of content. Its Optimized For Speed architecture ensures a fast and responsive website, while the Powerful Search Option allows users to easily find relevant content. The Scheduled Options feature allows users to schedule posts in advance, while the Track Views feature allows users to monitor performance and identify successful content. PublishX also allows users to keep clients updated on their blog content. Overall, PublishX revolutionizes content management for Perfex users, allowing them to maximize their website’s reach and engagement.

Infix LMS Nulled Script INFIX LMS is dedicated to becoming the finest learning management system. This platform acts as an anchor to bridge the gap between teachers and students, encouraging a peaceful flow of information. Here’s how it outperforms the competitors:

Instructors using INFIX LMS have great flexibility to create a wide range of instructional resources. This platform allows everything from infinite video courses to live classrooms, text-based courses, interesting projects, quizzes, and a variety of file types. The variety of material formats allows teachers to adapt to a broad range of pupils, fulfilling their individual learning requirements.

But INFIX LMS is more than simply empowering educators; it is also about improving students’ learning experiences. Students that have access to this educational gold mine may use the different content to hone their abilities and increase their knowledge base. This top-tier learning management system guarantees that learning is not constrained by borders, but rather a continual, engaging experience.

If you want to maximize the possibilities of your online education company, INFIX LMS is the ultimate route to success. Say goodbye to the mediator and welcome to unrestricted growth and prosperity.

Course | Quiz | Live Class (Zoom)
Infix LMS (Learning Management System) – 1

Infix LMS – Learning Management System – 2. Infix LMS – Learning Management System – 3.


Infix LMS (Learning Management System) – 4


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Infix LMS (Learning Management System) – 27

URL: http://infixlms.infixdev.com Administrator: [email protected] Password: 12345678
Multiple and Public Instructor
Secret Login
Enroll in the free course with only one click.
Google Analytics Add Option
PWA Ready
Drip content.
Student login device control
Referral scheme on purchase, both will earn a discount.
Certificate Designer
Dynamic Header Menu
Drag and drop the positions of chapters and lessons.
QA Section
Utility Feature
Student Profile
Admin and Instructor observe their own course.
Instructor Profile
Item Cart Stored In Database (No Risk Of Buyer’s Cart Being Lost).
Live Preview Video
Login/Registration System
Live stats
Admin may refuse any registration for a specified cause.
Admin gives authorization to student and instructor.
Manage all courses (publish, unpublish, active/inactive).
Support YouTube, Vimeo, and MP4 (self-hosted)
Video Resume Play
Become an Instructor Option
Course Download: PDF, Zip
Course Search
Course Rating:
Course Query Q&A
Course Review System
Quiz for courses
Instructor’s unique username
Bank Payout for Instructor from Administration
Instant Item Search
Description for each item
Change password/Edit profile
Currency Converter
Transaction History
Item Approval System
Coupon Option for the Application.
Refund Status for Super Admin
Email Template
Course Purchase History
Invoice PDF Download
Features Item
Language translation
Language Translator
Course Progress
Course Filters
Flat commission scheme
Instructor-based commission scheme
Commission system based on instructors and courses
Instructor Payout
Instructor Dashboard
Student Dashboard
Zoom Meeting Integration for Live Classes
Zoom offers numerous Instructor API choices.
SEO-ready simple URL.
Bootstrap 4 Framework.
W3C Valid Markup
Font Awesome Icons.
Documentation Include
Clean code and clean design.
Front End CMS
Backend supports multiple languages only.
About Details Page
Contact Us Page.
Right-click disable for video.
Geolocation for registering students
IP Block option on the site.
Dynamic Preloader
Automatic Update
New features.
Automatic logout after x length of inactivity.
Error Log in General Settings
Admin enrolls a student straight into a course.
Admin may develop courses and assign them to teachers.
When establishing a live class, include the Public/Private option.
Virtual class status was added.
Unlimited level of categorization.
Sudent dashboard course filter and search
User Management (Role-Based)
Demo Data Import
Google Drive for lesson storage
Course refund system added.
Offline payments, subtract from the paid amount.
Multiple instructors in a single course.
Class reminder
6 New Home Pages
Math equations
Google Meet module is compatible.
Google Calendar module is compatible.
Gift module is compatible.
Waitlist module is compatible.
H5P modules are compatible.
Registration Bonus module is compatible.
Upcoming Courses Module Compatibility
Authorize.net payment gateway module is compatible.
Braintree payment gateway module is compatible.
Mollie Payment Gateway Module Compatible
Flutterwave payment gateway module is compatible.
JazzCash payment gateway module is compatible.
CCAvenue payment gateway module is compatible.
Coinbase payment gateway module is compatible.
Manual event reminder in the classroom
Post a notice manually from the panel.
Comment in one spot.
Upgrade Laravel from version 8 to version 10.
Instructor Features
Adding Products.
Create a coupon code
Manage products.
View course comments and respond to students.
Get notifications for new enrollees and course comments and replies.
Upload the course chapter, lesson, and file for the assignment.
Set the default language and currency only for him.
Sales History
Wallet Statement
Sales Verify via API
Review History.
Product History
Check Earnings for the Month
Check Earnings of the Year
Check Earnings of All Time.
Instructors’ Profile Page
Instructor payment request
Balance shown on the Instructor panel.
Bank Payout
Student Features
Option to enable or disable email verification during registration
Enroll in the course after the purchase.
Package Purchase
Bookmark any course or video.
Students may remark on any course.
Set default language and currency solely for yourself.
Receive email notice.
Course Certificate and Download Option
Payment Gateway Included.
Offline payment
Bank Payment
PayStack (Africa)
Paytm (India)
Razor Pay (India)
Instamojo (India)
Midtrans (Indonesia)
Payeer (Russia
Mercado Pago (Paid)
Email Template Editor.
Email Verification for Student Registration.
Offline Payment
Bank Payment
Course Enrollment Payment
Course Successfully Publish
Course Chapter Added
Course Lesson Added
Course Quiz Added
Course ExerciseFile Added
Course Unpublished
New Enrollment Notification
Instructor Payout Month End
Instructor Payout Successfully
Instructor Payout Decline
New remark about the course.
New Response on Comment
New Review on Course
Password Update
Course Enrollment Rejected By Administrator
Course Enrollment Enabled By Administrator
Menu Manager
Create new pages.
Use static pages.
Use the Custom link.
Nested flyout menu
Open a new tab.
Flyout menu: Left or Right
Dynamic Certificate Generator
Create a new Certificate.
Upload any size design.
Customize the font, color, size, and location.
Download after completing any course.
Security Features:
JWT Authentication
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Protection
SQL Injection Protection
CSRF Protection
Secure Encrypt Password Hashing
InfixLMS has several useful features, which you may see on this page and in the live demo. A user may also see major characteristics in the following list:
Fully responsive: The InfixLMS system seldom seeks to enhance its top services. High-quality responsive design makes the material visible on many devices.

InfixLMS supports a variety of material formats, including video courses, live classrooms, text-based courses, SCORM, and reports. By specifying numerous content categories for a list or library, you can easily create libraries or lists that hold many sorts of documents in one location.

Single and numerous instructors: InfixLMS may be used as a marketplace or a single teacher service. Instructors are responsible for creating and maintaining a civil, productive, inclusive, and exciting learning environment.

Online Class (Default Zoom): In addition to educational resources, instructors and institutions will be able to offer online classes, and students will be able to schedule online courses, in-person, and group meetings via the Zoom app.

Badges, Reward Points, and System Gamification: Create a professional-client loyalty club for your website. Purchases, account charges, publishing courses, passing quizzes, earning certificates, leaving comments, writing course reviews, signing up for the newsletter, referring users (via affiliate programs), earning badges, finishing courses, scheduling meetings, and interacting with your platform are all ways in which your users can earn points. Users may use their points to pay for courses or trade them for account balances.

Youtube and Vimeo support: Users may utilize Vimeo and YouTube video URLs as course components, allowing them to be used as free and secure video storage.

Social login: Users may log in to the system using their social accounts (Google and Facebook), which is a kind of single sign-on that uses existing information from a social networking site.

Drag & Drop Pagebuilder: InfixLMS’s default theme allows you to customize all of the contents, words, photos, CSS, and JS codes.

Change colors and fonts in the admin panel: InfixLMS combines the platform color and the user label in a minute! Change all of the colors and fonts on the admin panel dashboard to access the appearance area.

InfixLMS has a built-in accounting system that provides transaction monitoring, sales analysis, advanced reporting, refunds, manual accounting, payouts, invoices, offline payments, and so on.

Shared hosting support eliminates the need to pay for pricey VPS or Dedicated servers! InfixLMS might be deployed with a basic shared hosting account.

Localization: InfixLMS is multilingual and translatable. Each of the official currencies is listed. RTL mode is available, although at the moment, a single language only supports the main script; a separate paid script is required for several languages at once.

Variable commission rates: InfixLMS is attempting to boost customer loyalty by using variable commission rates. Showcase increased commission rates for the most active teachers to motivate them.

Staff and permissions: InfixLMS allows you to simply build a staff section for each department, with appropriate access levels.

Quiz and certification: Create an infinite number of quizzes and certifications and apply them to courses. Users may create video and graphic quizzes in addition to text questions. InfixLMS features a sophisticated certification system that enables users to generate quiz-based certifications and course completion certificates.

InfixLMS offers a variety of marketing capabilities, including sophisticated discount codes, content promotions, highlighted courses, Newsletters, Acelle, Get Response, Mailchimp, course discounts, advertising banners and modals, email newsletters, and more.

alerts: InfixLMS will send automatic alerts after each relevant procedure. A user may also send promotional and personalized alerts to others. Browser Notification, Email Notification, and Push Notification.

Professional admin panel: The admin panel allows the user to control everything. Many features are accessible, such as reports and lists, which are dependent on system functionality.

Student and admin instructor panels: InfixLMS has various panels for instructors, users, and organizations with varying data kinds.

Offline payments: Users will be able to charge their accounts using an offline payment system, and the funds will be deposited into their accounts with admin authorization.

Virtual Class: Each class has numerous features, such as class, private classes, class start date, class reports, FAQ, filters, rating, invited teachers, and so on, which allow you to develop effective instructional content for a variety of academic demands.

Course Sections: Manage course content across units and chapters. Sections are groups of pupils formed for administrative reasons. When users join in a course, they are enrolled in one of its parts.

Drip material: Use multiple restricting criteria, such as time and sequence material, to restrict students’ access to course chapters and files. You may choose whether students must access course portions X days after buying the course or complete the previous part.

Course Private or Public Mode: Are you looking to utilize an LMS for internal purposes? Setting the private mode allows you to control who has access to courses for enrollment.

Manual Enrollment: Using the admin interface, manually enroll students in courses and goods. Manual enrollment involves the instructor selecting the students to be enrolled in the course and manually enrolling them, either individually or collectively. These instructions describe how to manually enroll students in a course.

Course Statistics: View course data and statistical information in a graphical format.

Question Bank: Create different quiz questions and present a predetermined number of questions to users, either randomly or sequentially. You can improve the accuracy of your quizzes by asking users random questions.

Device Limit: Limit the number of logged-in sessions per user and discourage account sharing between users.

Auto Content Approval: Information created by users (courses, contents, etc.) will be published immediately without admin approval.

Private Courses: Create private courses that will not appear on the product page, and the administrator can manually add students to them using the admin panel.

Maintenance/Coming Soon: Turn on this feature to notify users about the status of your platform’s maintenance or launch.

One-Click Update System: Use the admin panel to update your website or application to the most recent version.

Payment gateways (10 Included): Several gateways are available for various countries. Paypal, Stripe, Razorpay, Paytm, Paystack, Mercadopago (Paid module), Midtrans, Braintree (Paid module), Mollie (Paid module), Authorize.net (Paid module), Instamojo, SSLcommerz (Paid module), Bkash (Paid module), Coinbase (Paid module), and JazzCash. Offline payments are also offered as a premium plugin.

Bunny Storage (CDN/Streaming) (Module): Do you want to prevent unauthorized access, downloading, and distribution of your videos and courses? Use this tool to secure your video content against unwanted downloads.

Jitsi (Module): Use Jitsi to conduct real-time training sessions while enjoying a low-latency live video experience.

Gift (Module): Allow your platform’s users to distribute courses or other resources to their peers as gifts instantaneously or on a predefined date. The recipient will get an email confirming receipt of the gift.

Upcoming Courses (Module): Encourage your platform users about forthcoming courses. Users may follow prospective courses and will be alerted when the course is launched. Obtain early adaptors for your course before it is released.

Installments (Module): Sell different things like courses employing installments (Partial Payment) and determine the price, payment phases, duration, and interest rate for installments. Disable platform or course access for late payments. For each payment, the system will email a payment reminder.

Registration Bonus (Module): Provide a signup incentive to your website users and encourage people to register on your website. Unlock the bonus instantly for customers or require them to accomplish specified behaviors, such as referring users or completing referral transactions, to receive access to the incentive.

Noticeboard (Module): A user may Send tailored reminders to students and display notices on the noticeboard. Send various colored alerts to course participants.

Multi-language (Module): Create online content in many languages. The material will be loaded to the desired facility in the language of the user.

Affiliate (Module): Add additional spending to your platform with the affiliate marketing capability. Users will be able to sell your platform’s courses and make money by sharing affiliate links.

SCORM (Module): Your platform should enable interactive learning. iSpring, Adobe Captive, and other program-created training materials may be published.

In-App Live Class System (Module): With incredible capabilities such as live chat, share screen, and more, you can start holding live classes right now on your platform. No other third-party app will be utilized to redirect your consumers elsewhere. Consider adding a live class screen to your website. It looks great! This capability is implemented via the Agora API.

SAAS (Module): Limit aspects such as courses, meeting hours, live class capacity, organization teachers, and students when designing various service packages for instructors and organizations. Users who want access to additional features should upgrade their accounts.

Appointment (Module): Allows consumers to search for the best instructors based on a range of factors, including tutoring level, topic, meeting type (online or in-person), time and day of the meeting, location on a map, age, and gender. This feature features a nice wizard that takes data from the student and provides the most relevant matches.

Forum (Module): Enhance your LMS platform with a professional forum and community feature. Users will be able to create new topics in different categories and converse with one another on various issues.

Google Calendar (Module): InfixLMS is integrated with Google Calendar, allowing users to input all of their events, such as live class sessions, meetings, and so on, and events will be reminded immediately, ensuring that nothing is missed.

Organizational education (Module): InfixLMS supports alliances and institutions, allowing you to define organizations and institutes of linked students and teachers. Organizations might set various expenses for their own pupils.

Multi-currency (Module): Sell your courses in several currencies and convert course price depending on the exchange rate you provide. Make payment gateways in each currency accessible. Expand your company overseas.

Amazon S3 (Module): Use various S3 storage providers such as Amazon S3 and Wasabi to reduce your hosting expenses.

Subscription (Module): In addition to making ordinary purchases via the cart, students may subscribe to courses by buying various subscription plans. A user may also create limitless membership plans that provide them access to all of the platform’s content for a certain period of time.

Groups (Module): InfixLMS features a system that assigns users to various user groups and compensates them with additional discounts and commission rates.

Cashback (Module): Encourage your platform’s customers to make purchases and recharge their wallets by offering a certain percentage or fixed amount after each transaction. Define multiple cashback criteria, and the money will be credited to the user’s account after the payment is complete.

Course Waitlist (Module): Enable the waitlist option for your course to never miss out on prospective students. When the course’s capacity is reached or the course is in session, users may join the waitlist. Inform your waitlist subscribers of forthcoming events.

Assignment/Homework (Module): To optimize the educational process, define several assignments for each course with different options such as grade, deadline, and so on.

Support Ticket System (Module): Students will be able to communicate with teachers in a clear and practical course by utilizing a support system. Users may also send support requests to the administrator.

Bundle Subscription (Module): InfixLMS offers the most exciting module bundle subscription, with features that are now a popular subject. This module allows you to make bundles of current courses and offer them at a new price under a subscription model. The administrator may also choose the subscription duration for each Course Bundle. Students may subscribe to a bundle Course and use it to renew expired bundles by enrolling again to Instructor.

Chat (Module): The InfixLMS Chat module enables real-time chat between users inside an application. The Chat Module is now available for InfixLMS. The Administrator may communicate with any student or teacher, while the teacher can communicate with just the student who enrolls in the course. talk module option available for Pusher and jQuery, invitation requirement, admin may talk without an invitation, open chat system, and create a group chat.

Tax (Module): The tax for the InfixLMS extension plugin enables you to quickly pay both the taxable and untaxed prices. Tax Add-ons for InfixLMS enable customers to examine the course pricing with or without tax. The choice picked is stored on the user’s device, so that as the user navigates from page to page, the costs are shown based on their selection.

WhatsApp Support (Module): WhatsApp began as an alternative to SMS. InfixLMS now enables sharing and receiving a wide range of media, including text, photographs, videos, documents, location, and voice calls. WhatsApp shares some of your most sensitive moments, which is why the service has end-to-end encryption.

TeachOffline (Module): This is the InfixLMS module that is taught offline and allows users to view all of the instructor’s courses. Here, administrators may obtain a basic MS Excel data sheet with a Country List Download to fill in the student’s name.

Course Offer (Module): An InfixLMS Course Offering paid add-on is a unique offering of an authorized price reduction for a particular course, such as a classroom or seminar course, or a supervised test of a self-study course, that contains a set of precise percentages or prices to be held. A course reflects the instruction that the university gives to students, while course offerings are real rates that may include a student discount scheme.

Survey Questions (Module): InfixLMS Creating an online survey is quite straightforward, particularly if you have a good LMS. The idea is to ask the correct questions in your survey to elicit honest and fair feedback.

Skill & Pathway (Module): The skills and pathways feature is mainly designed to help customers manage their skill sets as well as their employees’ personal growth and training needs. A client may establish a digital marketing talent, which will include the following attributes: name, description, and badge. This skill will be required to complete a course, quiz, or Pathway.

User Type (Module): InfixLMS allows you to simply switch between account modules to assign a certain task or piece of work. LMSs with well defined roles and responsibilities may streamline their role procedures. It may direct its employees to perform better and stay more focused on specs. It also aids in identifying operational efficiency by decreasing confusion and redundancy.

XAPI (Module): This is the InfixLMS Add-on. xAPI is a simple, lightweight approach to store and retrieve learner records and share them across platforms. API is an abbreviation for application programming interface, which is a standard software mechanism that allows users to communicate and exchange data. Activity providers may create xAPI activity statements, which can then be delivered to the LRS or from the LRS to other systems. Many modern programs provide APIs to make their data accessible in other systems, and vice versa.

FrontendMultiLang (Module): A Frontend Multi-language in InfixLMS is a learning platform that supports many languages and enables users to choose the language they want to learn. This includes not just educational materials, but also a localized user interface that supports several languages, data formats, measurements, and currencies.

AdvanceQuiz (Module): The Quiz activity module enables instructors/group leaders to create and administer quizzes with a wide range of question formats, including multiple-choice, true-false, and short-answer questions. These questions are saved in the site’s Question Bank and may be reused across several sites. Quizzes allow for several tries, and each attempt is automatically marked. The instructor may select whether to provide feedback and/or display the right answers.

AI Content (Module): InfixLMS offers Open AI with better content that uses less resources, achieves a higher level of quality, and becomes a more tailored LMS system. Open AI plays an important part in Infix e-learning. Although artificial intelligence is growing more aware of what consumers think and do, it can also assess the kind of material they enjoy and consume.

H5P (Module): Here we provide the most important e-learning InfixLMS Module. H5P is an acronym for HTML5 Package. H5P enables people to create, share, and reuse interactive content. HTML5 is a markup language that, among other things, enables you to build interactive content without the need of plugins. It’s mobile-friendly and easy to use.

Google Meet (Module): This is the InfixLMS module Google Meet, which provides easy-to-use, dependable, and secure video conferencing. Connect with your school community with videos for courses, parent-teacher conferences, professional development, and more. Meet is easily integrated with other Google Workspace for Education products like as Classroom, Slides, Docs, and Gmail.

TwoFA (Module): Two-factor authentication provides an additional layer of protection for a better user experience in InfixLMS and prohibits unauthorized access to your users’ sessions, even if they know their password. To increase security, a combination of two elements is used: something they know and password key numbers.

If you have any suggestions, please inquire at https://codethemes.kampsite.co.
InfixLMS Online Documentation
Important Notice:
We are glad to give our support services within a maximum of two days.
Refunds are not provided in circumstances where the item has been downloaded or due to an unintentional purchase.
Installation and custom script assistance are not free of charge.
Before making a purchase, it is recommended that you read all product information carefully.
After purchasing, you may use the product on a single domain and server, with a maximum of one.
We give a demo so that you may completely analyze all parts of the product. However, please be informed that refund claims cannot be granted once the transaction has been made.
The normal license does not contain webpack resources. (If accessible)



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