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Academy LMS Certificate Addon Nulled Script 1.3

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Short description

The Academy LMS Certificate Addon is a plugin that allows students to receive certificates for their Academy LMS courses. Students must complete the course at 100%, either by downloading the certificate or sharing it online. The addon requires the Academy LMS installed on the server, and the GD2 image processing library enabled.

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Academy LMS Certificate Addon Nulled Script

Hey there!
Certificates are issued to students of Academy LMS courses with this plugin. In order to get their certificate, students need to finish the course at 100%. You may either download the certificate or display it online at a public URL for verification purposes.

The mechanism
Your server should already have Academy LMs loaded.
Buy the Academy LMS certificate addon on CodeCanyon.
Get the add-on for your Academy LMS portal and install it.
Personalize the certificate’s wording and backdrop picture.
To get a certificate, students must complete all of the assignments for a certain course.
Upon finishing, students have the option to either download the certificate or share its public URL with others.

You may see a full-screen preview of this addon at this link: https://codecanyon.net/item/academy-LMS-certificate-extension/25515213.

Your web server must already have the Academy LMS installed.
Get Academy from here: https://1.envato.market/jGqOZ Make sure your web server has the GD2 image processing library enabled.

php Nulled Script

php Script


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