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Currency Switcher nulled plugin 1.7.2

by Woocommerce
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Short description

Currency Switcher for WooCommerce expands worldwide business. Pricing in your customers’ native currencies using a multi-currency converter.
worldwide eCommerce requires worldwide product availability. Since many internet companies serve worldwide clients, why not let them buy in their native currency?

You need a multi-currency converter plugin to immediately swap currencies on your WooCommerce website per consumer desire.

Strong plugin Currency Switcher for WooCommerce automatically refreshes currency conversion rates and displays your customers’ selected currency wherever on the website.
Currency Switcher for WooCommerce recognizes your customers’ Geo-Location IP and country of origin. The extension shows all prices in the customer’s native currency on any retail page.

The simple addon may be widgetized on your WooCommerce store’s shop, cart, and checkout page. The plugin converts currencies using live rates updated at a set interval.

Grow your company internationally;
Eliminates currency conversion burden;
Reduce Cart Abandonment, Refunds, Chargebacks;
Show consistent pricing throughout your shop;
Change currencies automatically using customer GEOIP;
Help clients avoid credit card statement fees.
WooCommerce currency switcher
Auto-Currency Converter Options
Display limitless currencies; add
Auto-detect and swap currencies per client country;
Transform shipping, discounts, taxes, and other pricing;
Hide or enable currency-specific payment gateways;
Accept currency changes after checkout;
Allow or refuse user-selected currency checkout;
Allow currency conversion on billing;
Set coupon spending limits;
Allow/disallow predetermined coupon amounts.
Price rounding after conversion using “Price Rounding”
Select “Price Charming” after converting to lower prices.
Options for Currency Display
Default currency flag on front end;
Language-based currency display;
Use national flags as money symbols;
Display currencies as flags or names;
Switch between currency symbol and ISO code;
Include a prefix for currency symbols and show nation flags in the currency option box.
Currency Exchange Rates
Automatically update currency rates using Open currency Rates API;
Exchange rates are changed periodically;
Fix exchange rates to the default currency manually;
Receive exchange rate updates by email;
Options for Zone Pricing
Set up different price zones;
Location-based zone pricing currency conversion;
Zone pricing for basic and varied items; Customizable Currency Switcher Widget.
Install widgets on store, cart, and checkout pages;
Show widget on website sidebar;
Show on any post, page, or custom post using shortcode;
Four beautiful currency switcher styles;
Compatible & Integrated
Includes compatibility with All Product Subscription Plugin, Wholesale for WooCommerce, and Donation for WooCommerce.
Compatible with Google Product Feed;
Compatible with WooCommerce Bookings
Compatible with All Product Subscription plugin;
Compatible with WooCommerce Subscription
WPML Pro and WooCommerce Multilingual plugins compatible.
Based on currency rates, the plugin transforms website pricing such goods, delivery, discount, tax, and others to various currencies.
The plugin utilizes Geo-Location IP to identify the nation of the visitor when they visit your site. The currency switcher translates pricing to the customer’s native currency.

Display currency in user’s language.

The shop’s currency is converted based on the website language. The store currency will be French Franc if the website language is French.

Allow checkout currency conversion.

This functionality lets consumers alter order currencies based on invoicing country. Their final invoicing will reflect the currency they picked on the website.

“Price rounding” after currency conversion

Price rounding automatically rounds prices to the admin-selected value (0.25, 0.5, 1, 5, 10). If the admin chooses “0.25” as the price rounding value, the system will round the decimal number by 0.25 after converting the price to another currency.

“Price charming” after currency conversion

The price charming function automatically lowers the price to the admin-selected figure (-0.01, -0.05, -0.10). Example: The converted pricing will be -0.05 if the admin selects -0.05.

Allow/disallow coupon fixed amounts

Create currency-specific WooCommerce vouchers with defined amounts. Thus, coupons only function while their currency is active.

Maximum and minimum coupon spending limits

Currency-specific coupons should have maximum and minimum spends. The admin may handle product discounts when users change currencies using this.

Set up zones and prices.

Each zone should have its own country, currency, and exchange rate. Example: Zone: Europe. Belgium, France, Greece, Hungary, UK. Currency: Euro. –0.85 USD/1

Simple and variable items should be zone priced.

Zone price all WooCommerce items, even basic and variable ones.

Currency conversion based on location zone price

Allow currencies by location to make it easier for clients to examine pricing by zone.

Select currency payment gateways to hide

When a user clicks and saves a payment gateway, it hides and just that payment method is accessible on the front-end.

Accept or reject multi-currency checkout

Allow/disallow customer-selected currency checkout. It converts the customer’s final payment to the site’s default currency if disabled.

Options for Currency Display
Default currency flag for your shop

Show your website’s default currency flag. Change this from back-end settings.

The currency sign

Use nation flags as currency symbols on the currency switcher front-end.

Add currencies and flags.

Set up numerous currencies and flags from the back-end.

Switch between currency symbol and ISO code.

Toggling between Symbol and ISO Code lets you choose your currency’s prefix.

A prefix before the monetary sign

Make any money sign stand out with a prefix. You may customize every currency display.

Currency Exchange Rates
Controlling exchange rates

Manually update currency exchange rates or use the Open Exchange Rates API to update rates at specified intervals.

Fixed-rate exchange

Set exchange rates related to WooCommerce’s default currency manually.

Get currency rate alerts via email.

Administrators may get currency exchange rate updates by email.

Customize Currency Switcher Widget
Display on store, cart, and checkout pages

Show the extension on the store, cart, and checkout pages so customers may change currencies after buying, donating, and checking out.

Display the currency picker widget using shortcode.
Display the currency changer on any post, page, or custom post using a shortcode.

WooCommerce Donation extension compatible
Donation for WooCommerce works with Currency Switcher. [Round-up functionality, page and widget donations]

Four appealing front-end styles

Choose a front-end currency switcher interface from four options.


Compatible & Integrated
Compatible with WooCommerce Donation

The excellent WooCommerce addon Donation For WooCommerce lets you establish fundraising campaigns without transaction costs.

Compatible with WooCommerce Subscription

WooCommerce Subscriptions lets you build and manage goods with recurring payments for predictable residual income.

Compatible with WooCommerce Bookings

No phone calls are needed with WooCommerce Bookings for bookings, appointments, and rentals. Allow your site to fill your schedule and save you time.

Compatible with Google Product Feed

With the Google Product Feed extension, you can send product data to Google Merchant Center in real time, a necessity for Product Ads.

Compatible with WooCommerce Wholesale

Wholesale for WooCommerce’s army swiss knife of wholesale addons makes wholesale pricing plans simple, easy, and effective for WooCommerce shops.

Compatible with All Product Subscription plugin

All items for WooCommerce Subscriptions adds subscription options to your items.


Get Started: Purchase Currency Switcher for WooCommerce.
Download and install extension. Installation instructions are here.
Set up and configure the extension.

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Currency Switcher for WooCommerce – Globalize your company A multi-currency converter that shows pricing in the currency of your client.
You must guarantee that your items are accessible internationally in the global environment of eCommerce. Given that many online companies currently cater to a worldwide audience, why not allow your consumers to buy in their native currency?

Currency Switcher For WooCommerce nulled plugin What you want is a multi-currency converter plugin that can rapidly swap currencies on your WooCommerce website based on the preferences of your customers.

Currency Switcher for WooCommerce is a powerful addon that automatically refreshes currency exchange rates and displays your customers’ selected currency on your website.
Currency Switcher for WooCommerce instantly identifies your customer’s Geo-Location IP and the nation from which they are visiting your shop. When a page from your shop loads, the extension shows all of the prices in the customer’s native currency.

The simple addon may be widgetized anywhere on your WooCommerce website, from the shop and cart to the checkout page. The extension converts currencies using live rates that are updated at a predetermined period or interval.

Currency Switcher For WooCommerce nulled plugin Extend your operations to additional nations and areas;
It eliminates the headache of currency conversion.
Lower Cart Abandonment, Refunds, and Chargebacks;fwooo
Ensure that your price displays are consistent across your business.
Using the customer’s GEOIP, automatically change the currency;
Assist clients in avoiding additional fee charges on their credit card bills.
WooCommerce Currency Switcher Features
Options for Automatic Currency Conversion
Add and show an infinite number of currencies;
Automatically identify the customer’s nationality and currency;
Product shipping, discounts, taxes, and other pricing should be converted.
Allow or disable payment gateway(s) for a certain currency;
Allow currency conversion after starting the checkout process;
Allow or reject checkout in the currency requested by the user;
Allow for currency conversion while invoicing.
Set maximum and minimum spending limits for coupons;
Enable or disable the fixed amount coupon option.
Use the “Price Rounding” option to round off prices after conversion.
Using the “Price Charming” option, you may reduce prices after converting.
Options for Currency Display
Front-end display of the default currency flag;
Currency Switcher For WooCommerce nulled plugin display by language;
Display national flags as monetary symbols.
Display currency in the form of nation names or flags;
Alter the display of the currency’s symbol and ISO code;
Prefix the currency symbol with a prefix; Include and show national flags in the currency selection box;
Currency Exchange Rates
Allow the Open currency Rates API to automatically update currency rates;
Exchange rates are changed at regular intervals.
Set fixed exchange rates relative to the default currency manually;
Receive emails if the value of a currency changes;
Pricing Options by Zone
Multiple price zones may be created and managed.
Conversion of currencies depending on zone pricing by location;
Currency Switcher Widget Customization Options for Simple and Variable Products
Include a widget on the store, cart, and checkout pages.
Show the widget on the website’s sidebar;
Use the shortcode to display on any post, page, or custom post;
Four appealing currency switcher design possibilities;
Integrity & Compatibility
Compatible with All Product Subscription Plugin; Compatible with WooCommerce  plugin Wholesale; Compatible with WooCommerce Donation;
Google Product Feed compatible;
WooCommerce Bookings compatible;
All Product Subscription plugin compatible;
WooCommerce Subscription is supported.
WPML Pro and WooCommerce Multilingual plugins are both supported.
Based on conversion rates, the plugin transforms product pricing, shipping prices, discount codes, taxes, and other prices on the website to various currencies.
When a consumer visits your website, the extension use the Geo-Location IP function to detect the nation from which the site is being visited. The prices are then converted to the customer’s native currency via the currency changer.

Display currency based on the user’s language.

This function transforms the shop’s currency based on the language of the user’s website. If the user’s website language is French, the store currency will be set to French Francs.

Allow currency conversion during checkout.

Customers may use this option to alter the currency of their order based on the invoicing country. The user will see their final invoicing in the currency they chose on the website.

“Price rounding” after currency conversion

The price rounding option enables the system to round off the price to the figure specified by the administrator (0.25, 0.5, 1, 5, 10). If the administrator enters “0.25” as the price rounding value, the system will round the decimal number to 0.25 after converting the price to another currency.

“Price charming” after currency conversion

The price charming function enables the system to automatically lower the price to the admin-specified figure (-0.01, -0.05, -0.10). For example, if the admin chose -0.05, the converted price will be decreased by -0.05.

Enable or disable the fixed amount coupon option.

Create WooCommerce vouchers with predefined amounts for specific currencies. As a result, the coupons are only valid while the currency associated with the coupon is active.

Set maximum and minimum spending limits for coupons.

Limit the maximum and minimum amount spent on currency-specific coupons. This will assist the administrator in managing product discounts when users change their currencies.

Create numerous zones with different price schemes.

Create numerous zones, each with its own set of nations, currency, and exchange rate. Example: Europe is the name of the zone. Belgium, France, Greece, Hungary, and the United Kingdom are the countries involved. Euro is the currency. 0.85 USD = 0.85 USD exchange rate

Zone pricing should be used for basic and variable items.

Zone pricing rules should be applied to all goods in your WooCommerce site, including basic and variable products.

Currency conversion based on zone pricing by location

Allow your clients to see pricing depending on their specified zone by enabling the currency by location option.

Hide payment gateways for certain currencies.

The user has the ability to enable or disable payment gateways; once the user clicks on a certain payment gateway and saves it, the payment gateway is hidden; only one payment method is accessible on the front end.

Allow or deny multi-currency checkout.

Checkout in the customer’s chosen currency may be enabled or disabled. By disabling it, the customer’s final payment will be converted back to the site’s default currency.

Options for Currency Display
Show the default currency flag for your shop.

Show the front-end currency flag for your website. This may be altered in the backend settings.

The currency sign

On the front end of the currency switcher interface, use nation flags as currency symbols.

Include numerous currencies and flags.

From the backend settings, you may add additional currencies (and their appropriate flags).

Alter the display of the currency’s symbol and ISO code.

Toggle between two options: Symbol and ISO Code to easily adapt to your currency’s desired prefix.

Before the currency sign, add a prefix.

Create a prefix for any monetary sign to make it stand out. You have control over every detail of how currencies are presented.

Currency Exchange Rates
Exchange rate management

Set currency exchange rates manually or let the Open Exchange Rates API update rates at predefined time intervals.

Exchange rate that is fixed

Set fixed exchange rates related to the default currency of your WooCommerce shop.

Receive email alerts when currency rates change.

The administrator may choose to receive emails if the exchange rate of a currency changes.

Customization Options for the Currency Switcher Widget
Display on the checkout, cart, and store pages

Display the extension on the store, cart, and checkout pages so that consumers may change the currencies after purchasing, donating, or checking out.

To show the currency picker widget, use a shortcode.
To show the currency switcher, include a shortcode into any post, page, or custom post.

Compatible with the WooCommerce Donation extension
Donation for WooCommerce is compatible with Currency Switcher for WooCommerce. (Round-up functionality, page donation, and widget contribution.)

Four appealing front-end designs

Choose one of four currency switcher interface styles to show on the front end.


Integrity & Compatibility
WooCommerce Donation Compatibility

Donation For WooCommerce is a robust WooCommerce plugin that allows you to establish fundraising campaigns with no transaction costs.

WooCommerce Subscription Compatibility

With WooCommerce Subscriptions, you can develop and manage goods that accept recurring payments – payments that provide you with predictable residual income.

WooCommerce Bookings Compatibility

WooCommerce Bookings allows your clients to schedule reservations, appointments, or rentals without having to contact you. Allowing your website to perform the job for you will save you time and fill up your schedule.

Google Product Feed compatible

The Google Product Feed extension enables you to construct a real-time feed that sends product information to Google Merchant Center, which is required to set up Product Ads.

Compatible with WooCommerce Wholesale

Wholesale for WooCommerce is the Swiss Army Knife of wholesale extensions, allowing WooCommerce shops to design and manage wholesale pricing plans at different levels in a simple, easy, and effective manner.

All Product Subscription plugin is compatible.

All goods for WooCommerce Subscriptions is a WooCommerce Subscriptions add-on plugin that allows you to add subscription plans to your current goods.


How to Begin Purchase Currency Switcher for WooCommerce.
Install the extension after downloading it. The installation instructions may be found here.
Activate, configure, and install the extension.


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