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DOKANS Nulled Script 3.9.2

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short description

Dokans is an eCommerce platform built on multitenancy, similar to Shopify business modules. It allows customers to create an online store in just five minutes and supports subdomains and custom domains. Dokans includes over eight payment gateways and four e-commerce themes that can run in RTL mode. Sandbox and live modes are supported by all payment gateways, and a two-click site installer is included.

The platform offers various payment systems, including Stripe, PayPal, Paystack, Instant Money Razor, Mollie, Toyyibpay, Mercadopago, and COD payment options. The platform also offers a customer-seller relationship model, Google Tag management, and API for WhatsApp.

Admin tools include financial statements, site analytics reports, personalized cron jobs, and domain management. The platform also offers a control panel, discounts, drag-and-drop menu builders, and data loading using Ajax. The admin has full control over subscription plans, financial statements, and site analytics purchases.

Dokans operates on a software as a service (SaaS) model, with full control over subscription plans, financial statements, and domain management. The platform supports local payment getaways, works with content-based multilingualism, and can be deployed for numerous sites at once.

Dokans is a PHP nulled script that allows users to create and customize their e-commerce websites without requiring prior technical expertise.

DOKANS Nulled Script

DOKANS – Multitenancy Based Ecommerce Platform (SAAS)

Dokans is an eCommerce platform that is built on multitenancy and is comparable to Shopify business modules. Customers may construct an online store in as little as five minutes with Dokans. E-commerce is supported by this script, which also supports subdomains and custom domains. With the help of this script, absolutely anybody may create any form of e-commerce website. Customers have the ability to sell both physical and digital items, and they may quickly alter the user interface theme. We incorporated more than eight payment getaways and integrated four e-commerce themes capable of running in RTL mode. Sandbox mode and live mode are both supported by all payment gateways, and they are completely safe. A two-click site installer was included in this script, allowing users to install the script without requiring any prior technical expertise.

Demo Access: Frontend: https://dokans.site is the address.

The Admin Login:

Access to the Administration: https://dokans.site/login

Email address: [email protected]; password will be rootadmin.

Main Idea:

Website frontend: https://bigbag.dokans.site

Customer Access:

Login (Administrator): https://bigbag.dokans.site/access

Contact information: [email protected], rootadmin

Idea No. 2:

Visit our frontend at https://saka-cart.dokans.site/r.

Customer Access:

Visit https://saka-cart.dokans.site/login to access the admin panel.

Password: rootadmin Email: [email protected]

Topic 3:

Online storefront: https://bazar.dokans.site

Customer Access:

Login to the admin area: https://bazar.dokans.site.img

Here is the email address and password for Bazar: rootadmin.

Concept 4:

This is the front end: https://arafa-cart.dokans.site.

Customer Access:

Your admin access URL is: https://arafa-cart.dokans.site/login.

This is the email and password for arafa-cart: rootadmin.


Online Payment Systems:

Stripe, PayPal, and Paystack
Instant Money Razor
Mollie, Toyyibpay, Mercadopago, and COD payment options

Product Highlights:

Oversight of Domains
PayPal, Stripe, Paystack, Razorpay, Instamojo, Mollie, Toyyibpay, Mercadopago, and Cash on Delivery are seven of the many payment gateways available.
Completely paid vacations Both the sandbox and production modes are available.
Customers may pay the merchant directly if the seller adds their credentials.
Both digital and physical products may be sold by the seller.
With Facebook pixel integration, sellers may construct a fast checkout URL.
Management tool for Google Tags
Visits to pages in Google Analytics
Managing inventory
API for WhatsApp
messaging app Reminder for Purchase
Remind Me of My Order by Email
Customer-Seller Relationship Model
The seller may access the client panel directly.
There is the option for the seller to temporarily halt The Report on Customer Invoices and Orders
From the seller’s end, you can use the storage limit checker to place orders.
Awsome Control Panel
Ads for Discount Codes
Builder for Drag-and-Drop Menus
Data loading using Ajax
Our themes are all well optimized.
Completely Search Engine Optimized Ratings for URL Reviews
Transaction Report; Customer Report; Order Report
The seller has the option to choose their own themed color.
Management of inventory and stocks
Various attributes are accommodated.
Assistance with Attribute-Based Pricing
Shipping Rates by Zone for Individual Customers
Multiple languages support
List of Sites RTL Seller Panel And a whole lot more…

Admin Tools:

E-commerce Platform Built on Software as a Service (SaaS) Admin Has Full Control Over Subscription Plans
Financial statement
Report on Site Analytics Purchase
Personalized Cron Jobs Entire Domain Management
Provide advance notice to the vendor via email before the subscription plan’s expiration (7 days by default).
Here is a sample theme boilerplate that developers may use.
Option to Upload Theme and Remove It
Support for several languages Completely search engine-optimized marketing tools (Facebook Pixel, Google Analytics)
Toggle the option to deactivate transactional email queueing.
The storage limit for customers may be checked by the role-based multi-administrator.
The administrator has a lot of power, including the ability to suspend the seller, generate orders for them, send them an email straight from their profile, and much more.

Dokans operate
Important Notice: CodeCanyon comments are not meant to be used for support requests. Please refrain from doing so. Use the item support area to create a request for item support. We can simplify our lives with this. You may get an Envato license with any of our products. If you use an illegal version and encounter any problems, defects, or security concerns, we will not be held liable. We code every line with security in mind. Before you buy, have a look at our demo. It offers everything you’re looking for. I appreciate it in advance.


Does your installation service cost anything? 1. The installation service is not free; we apologize.
2. Is customized support something you offer?
Apologies, but we do not provide
What is the process for adding more templates?
We built the theme using Laravel, so any developer familiar with the framework may use it. We included a starter boilerplate.
Does your system support local payment getaways?
Local payment getaways are one of our features.

5. Does it work with content-based multilingualism?
It’s functioning properly with non-dynamic text and menu items.
5. Can I deploy the script for numerous sites at once?
Your SAAS customers are free to build their own sites, but according to Envato’s licensing rules, you can only utilize one site script per license key.
Can I get my money back if I upgrade my standard license to an extended license? 6.
Yes, if you need to upgrade your standard license within half a day after purchasing it.

php Nulled Script
php Script

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